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MD Kaium Badsha
????? ? Top Rated SEO & SEM Specialist. ? 60+ Jobs Done ? Top 1% SEO and SEM Marketing Expert on Upwork ? Top 1% Digital Marketing Expert ? Google Certified ? Coursera SEO, Google Ads & Digital Marketing Certification
???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ???????? (???????????????? ???????????????? ???? Jason Barnard, ?????????????? ???? ????????????????, ?? ?????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????'?? ?????????????????? ?????????? ??????????????)
Google significantly updated its knowledge graph back in July and it was reported recently by Jason Barnard (aka The Brand SERP Guy) because his company is tracking knowledge graph data for years, recent changes and then scraping of data from SERPs take some time. That's why this was reported by him on 25 October last month.
Here are some key take aways which matter for SEO-
During this update, in Google's Knowledge Graph ????????????'?? ?????????????? ?????????????? which means Google now know far more people than it used to. Which means that it can identify names of people more, so my name Gagan Ghotra as author on many sites can now be identified as one person.
Which means content written by me on Forbes will help my own blog example .com in ranking because Google can automatically related that ok Gagan is good because he's writing for Forbes so his very own site may be good as well.
- ?????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???? ????????????, like Google Knowledge Graph have information about people and what they do. For my name its Gagan Ghotra as SEO Consultant, so if I am writing about SEO Google would prefer me but if I start to write about Physics Google will clearly be able to identify that this blog post written by Gagan about Physics may not be good because actually he is a SEO Consultant and not Physics professor.
This change will help my SEO content to rank better but my content on other topics will not get boost in ranking (but that doesn't mean that my other content will not rank at all, it depends)
- ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? which means if your name or company don't have a wikipedia page still Google will be able to show Knowledge Graph for your name or your company name.
I have mentioned link to that blog post by Jason in the comments, I would specifically recommend you to look at graphs & images which he have included in this post. Really useful.