McLaren Racing
Image by McLaren via Instagram

McLaren Racing

The brand I am choosing to evaluate is McLaren Racing, because I have a strong passion for motorsports, and their values and culture heavily align with my own. Similar to McLaren, my values drive my own ambition and lead me to pursue my dreams and accomplish my goals. On their website, they list their values as innovative, respectful, inclusive, energetic, and brave. McLaren exemplifies their culture through their involvement in their social media and their commitment to progression within the world of motorsports. On Instagram, they support their drivers throughout the season but also emphasize the importance of the crew outside of the drivers. In a post from July, they thanked the trackside and base crew "for their relentless work during the first half of the season" (McLaren Instagram).

This exemplifies their culture because it represents the respect that they hold for each other within their company. This post highlights that it takes an entire crew to work towards their goals. They portray their value for inclusion and innovation through their partnerships with companies aimed to make motorsports a more diverse, equal, and inclusive sport, and have posted their efforts on LinkedIn. They've partnered with Women's Engineering Society (WES), EqualEngineers, The SmallPeice Trust, and Creative Access (Women's Engineering Society's Website) to pursue this goal.


