McCulloch-Pitts Neuron and Hebb Network
Himanshu Salunke
Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Data Analysis | Python | AWS | Google Cloud | SIH - 2022 Grand Finalist | Inspirational Speaker | Author of The Minimalist Life Newsletter
In neural network history, the McCulloch-Pitts neuron and the Hebbian learning rule stand as foundational threads. Let's delve into their theoretical underpinnings, explore linear separability, and decipher the algorithmic dance of Hebbian networks.
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron: Theory and Architecture
The McCulloch-Pitts neuron, conceived by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts in 1943, laid the groundwork for artificial neural networks. It emulates the basic functionality of a biological neuron, processing binary inputs and producing binary outputs. The architecture is characterized by weighted connections and a threshold, offering a simplified model for computational neuroscience.
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Activation Function
Example: Logical AND Operation
Suppose we have inputs x1 and x2 with weights w1=1 and w2=1 and a threshold of 2. The neuron output (y) would mimic the logical AND operation.
Linear Separability:
Linear separability, a concept tied to the perceptron model, explores the capability of a model to separate data points of different classes with a linear boundary. While McCulloch-Pitts neurons are limited to linearly separable problems, this notion paved the way for more sophisticated models.
Hebb Network: Theory and Algorithm
Donald Hebb's eponymous learning rule, coined in 1949, embodies the principle "cells that fire together, wire together." The Hebbian learning algorithm strengthens connections between neurons when they activate simultaneously, facilitating associative learning.
Formula: Hebb Learning Rule
Example: Associative Learning
Consider two neurons, i and j, firing simultaneously. The Hebbian rule (Δwij) reinforces the connection, enabling associative recall.
In this journey through McCulloch-Pitts neurons and Hebbian networks, we've scratched the surface of neural network evolution. As we weave these threads into the broader tapestry, their influence echoes through the intricate landscape of artificial intelligence.