MCC-E: Intelligent CPR system facing the future

MCC-E: Intelligent CPR system facing the future

“Compression android is readied, perform chest compression, interchange between human and android.” Dr Ann ordered.

After 8 seconds, “Beep, beep, beep...” The compression android had started its work.

After 3 times of compression, the compression android had already measured the chest elasticity, thickness of thoracic cavity, thoracic circumference, etc, data of the patient. According to the AI calculation of CPR data cloud, the compression android suggest the best compression curve and parameter. Dr Aeba.

The compression android shows a bunch of data on the monitor, Dr Aeba shouted “Now, non-invasive CPP 24mmHg, Diastolic blood pressure 35mmHg, resuscitation index 0.65, fracture risk 28, compression rate 112 times per minute, compression depth 48mm, now compression curve in TBR mode.”

“Beep beep, beep beep...” Resuscitation after 10 minutes, the compression android alarmed.

Feedback system shows that the fracture risk index is over 60, according to AI calculation suggestion, the doctor chose strategy of “compression rate 108 times per minute, compression depth 43mm”.

25 minutes later, ROSC.


This might be the daily of future “Resuscitation centre”.

Currently, the resuscitation field is discussing about “which is better, machine compression or human compression”, “how should we perform differentiated resuscitation on different body type”, “a monitor with feedback showing rescuer’s compression data and patient’s vital sign is needed”.

The 2018 Chinese National Emergency Medical Conference was held in Tianjin, the Electric-drive 3D Compression system MCC-E, initiate the future, bringing infinite possibility for the “intelligent, differentiated, closed-loop” features of clinical CPR, hoping to bring a higher resuscitation successful rate.

Below we’ll talk about a few features of MCC-E.

1.Light-weighted, concise

MCC-E consist of main unit, torso restraint, electrical control unit and power adapter. The main unit (including lithium battery) only weighted 3Kg, fully adapt to the complex environment of pre-hospital, in-hospital resuscitation and transference, lower the carry-on weight of medical personnel. MCC-E, having innovative technology and reliable design, had been granted the Germany iF design award in 2018.

2. AC DC Interchange, non-stop compression

The single lithium battery can provide electricity continuously for at least 60 minutes, and can interchange with 220V AC anytime, supplying the main unit and at the same time charging the lithium battery. The battery could be full, always, in anywhere, always ready for emergency situation, complying with the high quality compression needs.

MCC-E supports no interruption compression

3.Enhancing Weil’s 3D Compression technology

MCC-E apply the advantage of Weil’s 3D Compression technology, combining the features of cardiac pump and chest pump, provide a better organs perfusion. When compressing, the squeezing of the whole chest create higher intrathoracic pressure, leading to greater pumping of blood, and result in better brain circulation and heart output. When recoiling, the recoiling of the whole chest create lower intrathoracic pressure, therefore blood reflux better, and heart achieve a greater volume. Interactively, a better coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) is reached.

MCC-E applying the Weil’s 3D Compression Technology

4.Differentiated compression strategy

It might not be plausible for patients with different body type to use the same compression rate and depth. Doctors can achieve differentiated compression through the electrical control unit, adjusting the depth between 30 - 50mm, rate between 100 - 120 times/minute. Doctors can use different compression strategies for patients in ranged ages and body types according to clinical experience and resuscitation feedback.

MCC-E provide possibility for differentiated compression strategy

5.Support “non-horizontal resuscitation”

During out-hospital transference, using stairs or taking lift, it’s difficult for patient to keep in a position horizontally. MCC-E support patient with high compression quality and precision under 0 - 45° inclination, reducing interruption of compression, raising CCF. The torso restraint also wrap up the whole chest and reduce displacement, eliminating risk of toppling. Moreover, according to research of the United States and France, raising the patient’s in inclination of 30° during CPR is beneficial to raise brain perfusion.

MCC-E remain high compression quality and precision under non-horizontal resuscitation

6.Resuscitation data management

MCC-E collect the whole process of resuscitation data, and transfer it with patient monitoring system in real time through bluetooth and WiFi, forming a full-course resuscitation (Continuously Accurate CPR, CACPR) data chain, stats CPR data, analysis and form report. It is practical for clinical quality control, scientific research and area CPR enrollment.

MCC-E collecting CPR data

Resuscitation is developing day by day, but it can’t be achieved at once. Cooperation between foundation experiment, clinical research, medical engineering, data analysis, etc, is needed. Adhering to the thought of “Save more lives”, we will keep improving.


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