MCB or Miniature Circuit Breaker is a protection device that offers protection against overload & short circuits. It’s used inside the panels in substations to protect contents inside the panels from overvoltages and short circuit currents.
Our goal from this test is to check if the mcb will disconnect if a high current goes through it.
1-???Inject 2 or 4 times the rated current of the mcb and from curve, we can expect the time of tripping time. Based on the time we can know if the mcb working well. ?
The test of mcb is very simple to do you will need the next pieces of equipment:
1-???Sverker 780 or any device can inject current.
As you can see in the next picture is how the connection will be:
We connect the jumper on 0~40A because we want to inject 4 times the rated current of the mcb (10A) which is 40A.
?From the next curve we can know the expected time for the mcb to take action if we inject 40A.
As you can see from the X-axis we can see the multiple time of rated current and Y-axis shows the time. So we will inject 4 times the rated current, and the expected time will be between 2 seconds and about 30 seconds.
As you can see the time is 4.331s which is an acceptable value. So the mcb is working well.
At the end this was a test to check the mcb if it is working well or it has problems. This is one of other tests should do for mcb’s.