MCB Biocultural Curricula to be Deployed in Quintana Roo, MX

MCB Biocultural Curricula to be Deployed in Quintana Roo, MX

Brandon Rafael Noh Ek is a 4th grade student at the Andrés Quintana Roo Indigenous Primary School in la Esperanza, Quintana Roo, México. In his home and when playing with his friends he speaks Maya [yua], but all of his textbooks are in Spanish. Just like everyone he receives two types of education. There is the education he receives at home that began when he was born. Then there is the education he receives at school. These education systems are in different languages. It is the same in most Indigenous communities and the education at school oftentimes denigrates the education received at home.

We have developed a novel biology curriculum for linguistically diverse education systems and today Rafael is learning about the Manatee in a text book written in Maya for him. He has never learned to read and write in Maya. Now he is learning more about the world around him while learning to read and write in his mother tongue. Today his two educations systems have been brought together to make these linguistically diverse education systems a place of greater opportunity.

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?Rafael Kanan k’ak’náab ma’ Su’up’il, teche’ je’el xan u páajtal a táakpajale’!

Rafael is Marine Conservation without Borders and you can be too!

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?Nataly yéetel Fabiolae’ Kanan K’ak’náab Ma’ Su’up’ilo’ob, beyxan tech!

Nataly and Fabiola are Marine Conservation without Borders and now you are too!

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Xu’uk’il meyaj: Yaan a ts’íibtik ba’ax juntúul chiil, ba’ax ku jaantik yéetel tu’ux ku yaantal. Beyxan yaan a we’esik ba’ax u jela’anil ichil uláak’o’ob ku kajtalo’ob tuláak’ lu’umilo’ob.

Yáax jaats

Xookil: U k’ajlayil u kuxtalo’ob

?Jump’íit yo’osal le chiilo’obo’.

Le chiilo’obo’ naats’ ku kajtalo’ob ti’ le chukte’obo’ beyxan ichil u su’ukil ja’o’. Leti’obe’ ku tséentikuba’ob yéetel xíiwo’ob. Juntúul chiile’ ku jaantik kex 10% u yaalil tuláakal k’iin. ?Juntúul nojoch chiile’ je’el u jaantik 45 Kg. xíiw chen ti’ jump’éel k’iine’! Leebetik k’ana’an ya’abkach ba’ax u jaant uti’al ka béeyak u kuxtal. Le chiilo’obo’ jach xaano’ob yéetel jach uts óolo’ob. Ma’ uts tu t’aano’ob ka p’a’asta’ako’obi’. Je’el u tsa’ayalo’ob báab tak ich waxakp’éel Km/h, chen ba’axe’ je’el u séebkunsik u báabo’ob tak 30 Km/h wa ka ja’asak u yóolo’obe’. Le je’el xana’ mixtan u xáantal u beetiko’ob, chen junsúutuk tumen ku ka’analo’ob.

Meyajil jun

·????????k’al le ka’ap’éel kúuchilo’ob tu’ux ku yaantal le chiilo’obo’.

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Tu’ux u taalo’ob

U chiilil Indias Occidentelese’ (Trichechus manatus) leti’ le chiil kajakbal Caribe yéetel tu jáal ja’il Atlántico tu xamanil tak tu noojolil América, chen ba’ale’ ma’ lejalil chiil yaan way yóok’ol kaabe’. Yaan uláak’ ka’ap’éel ba’alkabil: u chiilil áfrica Occidental (Trichechus senegalensis) yéetel u chiilil Amazonas (Trichechus inunguis). Kex le chiilo’ob bey junpáachalili’obe’, le ku taalo’ob Amazonase’ leti’ le jach chichano’ yéetel kuxukbalo’ob ichil ch’ujuk ja’ yéetel ichil le áalkab ja’o’.


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