MCA 500 Compaction in OMAN
Soil compaction is the process of mechanically compressing soil, aggregates or asphalt to reduce air voids thereby increasing stiffness of surface. Also known as densifying the soil, this process is vital for structural integrity of asphalt layers. Not only does compaction reduce settling efficient compaction increases the load bearing capacity of surface. Soil compactors like pneumatic rollers and single drum rollers are used to achieve the required percent compaction, a measure of achieving typical soils maximum possible density.
While conventional rolling/compaction processes only generally estimate the level of compaction and number of passes to fulfill desired density, machine guidance system such as the MCA compaction system support the operator and foreman to achieve the best compaction level possible by using the most effective number of passes.
By doing this, MOBA MCA systems do not only save time and money but they also ensure that the optimum level of compaction has been achieved based on underground and machine type using the ICV - Intelligent Compaction Value.
In Oman the MCA500 is experiencing wide popularity with more and more contractors opting to install the system on their drum roller. MOBA in collaboration with IIE, who also are regional dealers for CNH [among other brands] installed MCA500 on CASE 1110 single drum roller for prominent Omani contractors – Galfar Engineering and Contracting and Al Amjad Construction and Engineering Services LLC.
The installation of MCA500 is fast, smooth and as a "hang -on" system can be installed on any type of roller. A short learning curve means using the MCA500 is akin to using a smart phone. First, the operator needs to perform a test run to "teach" the system the correct Intelligent Compaction Value - ICV . The ICV calculates itself based on changes of Frequency and Amplitude of the vibrating drum of the roller. For future passes, the operator inputs the defined ICV value as future target reference to achieve optimum compaction.
So how does it work on site?
The operator works manually following pre-determined rolling configuration consisting of static and vibratory passes until ICV does not change anymore significantly with the next pass. This result should be confirmed through a core test or nuclear gauge to determine desired density result has been reached.
Alternatively, the operator can drive with low frequency settings on an already stiffness approved surface and receive the ICV from this reference.
For future compaction, the operator simply inputs the defined ICV value as target ICV. Across multiple lanes the operator receives visual and numerical guidance till this target value is reached, meaning that the required percentage of compaction is achieved.
As a direct result of working with MCA500, over and under compaction are eliminated. This consistency is crucial as the operator doesn’t make extra passes on an already compacted surface, otherwise this can cause the surface to crack.
IIE lends valuable support to contractors of OMAN as they offer best of both worlds – Machine dealership and Technology partnership with MOBA. IIE has an in-house team of engineers, technicians and mechanics trained by MOBA Engineers and capable to support regional needs in OMAN.
The Plant and Machinery Head at Al Amjad, Mr Sreekanth recalls his experience at Barka, Muscat: "The MOBA compaction meter with CNH 1110D was helpful in sub-base. Once operator is trained to set ICV, compaction is good.?"
Thank you Swarna Deepak for installing & training MCA 500 in OMAN and supporting this article.