Mazilieralworks,Personally,Gratefully to late US Pres. George Bush for his Successes,on his 13 years as CIA Boss.I,Mazilieralworks,to theorize,inf
I,Mazilieralworks,Personally,Gratefully to late US President George Bush for his Successes,on his 13 years as CIA Boss,which greatly straighten the US & Western Economically/Globally in 1970s during his Active Service,when US had past Economic Problematic Issues & on his Assistance to Nigeria 1977,with his Vast African/World Experiences,which influenced me to be attached to the US/Western Styles/Values.
George H.W. Bush: An intimate look at the life of
A look back at George H.W. Bush's legacy
I,Mazilieralworks,Primarily to inform,theorize,Caution,Dialogue,Expose or to educate All People & not to engage or to join issues with any Gullible,Misinformed,Ignorant or Bankrupt Cronies or Hired Sycophants on any Mazilieralworks Issue or literal Article.
My US Icon,Good Bye Former President George H.W. Bush,as he left the US at the Hands of Madman Trump and an Evil Genius Putin,who have used Brain-washed Trump to control US & its Allies and largely as to ruin US with the World Economically/Globally or politically,if Care is not taken.
View my articles on these websites:
Mazi Patrick O.,
email: [email protected]
Thinker, Writer, Political Strategist, Historian & Psychoanalyst....
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