The Maze “Particles Made Me Do It”
Imagine you are wandering lost inside a maze. Everywhere you look and move appears the same, the same ground, the same sky, the same green walls of vegetation beyond which you cannot see. Your only option is to move forward, backward, turn right or turn left (you are about as free as an ant walking on a flat surface). You cannot physically jump over the walls or walk through them. You are challenged to invent some strategy to assist you in your effort to avoid walking in circles and to find an exit from the maze. One such strategy is to always move forward and at each corner turn right. You could choose left instead of right, but once you choose you do not deviate from that choice until you arrive at the exit. If you do not give up, you will surely arrive at the exit. Or shall I say your chosen destination, which could be home? Home is where you live permanently, independent of spatial location and temporal time.
Maze is a useful metaphor for the trap of physicalism, which requires illumination of higher consciousness to escape from, while you are still alive, for instance surely it is possible to find HOME without dying. In fact, the strategy to escape the maze of physicalism is simpler than always moving forward right (or forward left), it does not require anything other than using your ego consciousness to observe itself, as simple as “enquire within” because wherever you go there you are. Like a turtle your HOME is always with you whatever time it is, whatever your location is, and whatever your internal or external circumstances are.
In the doctrine of physicalism and in the mathematical Standard Model of quantum physics physicalism, particles (say electrons) are everything. Whatever else electrons are they are identical to each other, thus the maze of physical reality is constructed of indistinguishable electrons, but that construction is all appearance utterly lacking in substance. There is duration and persistence (the same way illusions have duration and persistence) but not substance because nothing physical can intentionally cause anything, rather everything physical necessarily obeys pre-programmed laws of inviolable physics, every one of which, without exception, operates automatically.
Substance necessarily includes power of original intentional immaterial causality. Physical mechanistic deterministic causality (classical physics) and physical mechanistic (non-deterministic) uncertainty causality (quantum physics) are both instances of automatic physical causality, not intentional immaterial causality.
I refer to the whole physical live universe organism object as the real illusion, which means that it is fundamentally (at the elementary quantum scale) physical particles automatically and randomly interacting and in relations with each other (colliding, scattering, etc.), which perpetually generates an appearance that changes ceaselessly (think maze of chaotic confusion). Perpetual means the wholeness of total physical reality changes its configuration = appearance = the real illusion ceaselessly without interruption; it cannot be stopped. All illusions are appearance only with duration and persistence but without substance, and that is a coherent description of our whole physical live universe organism.
That means there are few strategies you or any other person can apply to determine if you are walking in circles that mean nothing and lead nowhere (as are well described with physicalism, materialism, determinism, reductionism, nihilism, fatalism, existentialism black hole, or walking through a maze lost in confusion and filled constantly with fear and hopelessness), or if you consciously intentionally choose = freewill, some path through life by looking = observing now and intentionally bestowing meaning upon it. It is a fact, empirically observable by any human being that there are two ways to reconfigure now: 1) automatic actions of laws of physics, and 2) ego consciousness looking = observing, and collective ego consciousness (enself) looking = observing and intentionally bestowing meaning upon now.
Freewill does not mean you discover some meaning in your external reality, rather it means you create-manifest meaning by making choices and taking action to support your choices. “Particles made me do it” is the ultimate surrender to powerlessness, but intentionally making choices and taking action to support your choices is powerful.
In fact, there are a set of intentional beliefs, choices and actions that empower you to create-manifest a life worth living, a life filled with meaning, a life filled with requited love. There are ways to determine justified knowledge based upon a set of natural a priori axioms and the sound logical inferences derived from them. They empower you to escape the prison of physicalism coupled with a life-sentence “particles made me do it” (= freewill does not exist) which if true would mean that your only option is to suffer then die.
Imagine not everything is electrons interacting with other electrons, rather that there is also immaterial consciousness. Furthermore, imagine that immaterial consciousness not only knows, but it also knows that it knows, which is meta-consciousness, which means consciousness that is conscious of itself. No physical object has sentient feeling consciousness, not even artificial intelligence (AI). You have consciousness that is conscious of itself. Right now, just focus your attention inside your being and confirm that is necessarily true, for instance you are not only aware that you are reading this writing, but you are also simultaneously aware that you are aware. Of course, you are certain that you are alive, that you occupy a physical body (which has a physical brain) and that you are a private instance of ego consciousness. You are certain that it is ego consciousness that drives the physical bus, that your ego consciousness commands your physical body and physical brain and your external environment (for instance practice and get better at it). You are certain of those things, aren’t you? Well, you should be, and that certainty would be justified knowledge based upon sentient feeling certainty of what it feels like to be a human being. No bat, no flower, no stone, no electron, and no AI has that.
With immaterial ego consciousness that is aware of itself, humans have figured out (Standard Modelparticle physics) what physical electrons are, how they work, what they can and cannot do and how to control them so they do what human beings want them to do, say for example feed everyone, house everyone, educate everyone, land a human being on the moon, and other wonderful things, even how to be happy, how to have fun, how to live in harmony with each other, how to make civilization thrive, how to experience requited love, etc.
The reason we are not doing those things sufficiently is not that we don’t know how, and it is not that they are impossible to do, rather it is that a handful of humans throughout history of the world, have chosen to create-manifest something else and have amassed the power and wealth to be able to enforce with violence getting what they want, regardless of the cost to the rest of the human race and other species of life, and to the natural commons, including climate. Those few have chosen to enrich and empower themselves at everyone and everything else’s expense. It seems like way too many of us want to be kings and queens with power over everyone and everything else. The ones not already rich and powerful want to be.
That is not a description of a physical problem, it is a dysfunction in immaterial ego consciousness, and it can be fixed. Always wanting more is a mental illness and it can be treated. The drunken monkey ego consciousness can be trained, like educating a child to become a responsible adult, and a higher ego consciousness can take command, driving the physical bus in a different direction, like in the maze, always moving forward always turning right with certainty of returning HOME.
The illumination of consciousness, enlightenment = to light within (having little if anything to do with increasing IQs), instantly reveals that the doctrines of physicalism, materialism, nihilism, fatalism and fascism are unambiguously false. The sentient feeling experience of knowledge through identity empowers you to create-manifest a choice, to shed the shackles of powerlessness, which permits you to drive your personal physical bus, to command physical beginning with your physical body/brain/central nervous system and naturally extending that command to manage your external physical environment (I do not mean absolute control because that is impossible).
You can start right here right now. Apply your ego consciousness to look for itself (enquire within) using any preferred meditation method. Bon voyage!