Mayor Scott Singer, this must stop, Before These Loose Pets Bite Someone
BOCA RATON, FL.--More and more these days we’re seeing men and woman walking on the beach in front of our condo with their pet dogs unleashed, often running loose and wildly 20 or 30 yards ahead of or behind them.
Some of these free running animals are large, formidable looking German Shepherds which on even the hottest mornings can give us the chills.?
And if we say something to their owners about their dog running loose and should be on a leach on a public beach, they sometimes give us growling looks like who the hell are we to tell them their dog can run freely.?
Pet owners need to respect those fearful of large dogs running unleashed or having a small child bitten, even if by friendly accident as sometimes even playfulness with large pets can have ugly, even hurtful consequences.
Once we saw someone almost attacked by a loose dog when that person was picking up a piece of trash near where the pet owner had tossed a ball for the loose dog to fetch and bring to him.? ?To us it looked like the large dog thought the person was stealing his prize.
So, Mayor, I think it’s time to remind beachgoers to put their pets on a leach when walking on our beaches with them.? Also, I’d suggest they not bring large pets to the beach during times when they are most crowded with bathers, say between 9 am and 4 pm.?
Thanks Mayor.
Tom Madden is an author whose latest book is titled Planetary Lifeguard and he is CEO of the PR firm TransMedia Group. ?He and his wife Rita live in an oceanfront condo in Boca Raton and both are avid beach walkers who constantly encounter pet owners with their animals, some quite large, running unleashed way ahead of them or far behind, which can sometimes be disturbing, or occasionally frightening, which is why he is calling out for some law and order for pets, particularly large ones, in public places.?