Mayor drops a groove as he rocks social media
Mark R. Phillips - University Head of Strategic Engagement
Public Relations, Communications, and Marketing Leader | Trusted Counsel to C-Suite | Air Force Vet | Digital Assets & Metaverse Enthusiast
How do you get people to accept bad news?
That's tough. What's even more difficult is getting people to accept news that will have a negative impact on their lives. Perhaps the most thorny challenge is to get them to laugh and share that negative news. But, that's just what the brilliant communicators at the City of Los Angeles accomplished.
Give your message a (musical) hook
In a stroke of creative genius, the mayor drops a groove as he rocks social media. Mayor Eric Garcetti's slow jam lets Angelenos know that "the 101 will close for 40 hours this weekend, so we're getting ready to take it slow." The Sixth Street bridge is a major thoroughfare that will be shut down for construction, so there is some risk in making light of the situation. This communication initiative works, though, because the unique music video promotes the website that serves up key information for motorists.
Make the message integral and memorable
This approach also works, because it features a very polished performance by local high school students. According to Mayor Garcetti, "We teamed up with our friends at Roosevelt High School to drop a slow jam and get the word out." Not only is he sharing information about road construction, but he also delivers subtle messages about infrastructure investment and the efficacy of the public schools. The fact that the Rough Rider Jazz Band is so smooth and polished makes this video instantly shareable.
Help your audience share your message
The team created the #101SlowJam hashtag and promoted it on the @LAMayorsOffice, @ericgarcetti, and @RooseveltHSLA Twitter feeds.
Kudos to Mayor Garcetti and his communications team for doing #betterprnow!
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