Mayhem and the Modern Man
There were many email servers in my career, and even before, while in the US Navy, introducing information technology as something more than just computers, shook folk, and created calamity in many careers. The concept of utilizing tools that erased cursive, replaced time to post, birthed and buried faxes; was disruptive and the ripples in the pond heaved from the mow of the mother of invention; MAYHEM!
?Mayhem and the Modern Man
There were squeals, and not all of pleasure, when the lights came on. Information availed it’s self where reams of data left papercuts, keyboards now availed recreation. What once started at a typewriter, thrust into carboard, filed…. was now data, found at a keyboard, stored on platter or tape. Yup, lots of trees were yet to die, but, there again, was disruption; a constant. Returning veterans and surviving civilians, from all war past, sought comfort in employment. Chasing the jobs where the most reward invited their craft, improving upon skills, remaining connected with the stoops, steeps and folk was always necessary for putting groceries on the table.
Mayhem, Paper, and Sheepskin
Documenting a life in IT of over 50 years escapes me, but resumes, there’s gold in them hills! A good life story should have a great ending. The Canterbury Tales are like a day in the life, especially recently, as the human investment in IT shifts away from people to product and the shortest path to ROI. I hear the stories, provide a shoulder and ear, and the success comes from opening a new chapter. The gold veins in any story are the ones lining a successful journey. Documentation lords over us all. A life lived and spent must have an oracle predicting, while you invested in the journey, a precursor once took the shape of a sheepskin, college or university honing for the butter ahead. Certified and bona fide; we raise a wick to our feat. The market is a fickle beast though, so a life of learning is the motto for IT professionals to-date.
What propels a life in IT? Expertise we respond!
What tells everyone you have achieved that precipice of expertise? CERTIFICATION!
Don’t waste paper or farm animals when a certification will do just fine.