Gloria Mwendwa
Helping Founders, Tech Professionals & Creators Engineer Their Brand | Product Engineering + Branding | AI, Tech & Content Marketing for Growth| Regular posts on (how to)
Let me guess, you are struggling with consistency, or as most of you like calling it resilience. It doesn’t come in as easily as you may have thought it to. When I was starting the #30DaysofDataScience challenge, I thought it would be a walk in the park, but maybe I underestimated the work needed. Let me tell you why…
I started this challenge on Tuesday this week mainly because I wanted it to be a challenge am doing at the beginning of a new month as it would be easier to keep track of. The first day went well as I did my study plan and tweet schedule and also some planning on the kind of articles I would be writing here on LinkedIn.?
Basically, I can say that Tuesday was my planning day and resource selection and all. The challenge now began on my second day. I had to code, commit, and initialize my GitHub repository, and on top of that tweet about the challenge. The biggest problem I faced on this day was actually getting to do what is required because I did not feel like it.
I mean, imposter syndrome is always real. I really felt like I am not supposed to be wearing the KCAU GDSC Lead yesterday. It was too hard and I am supposed to keep going. To add insult to injury, one of the KCAU department’s officers contacted me and asked me to prepare a presentation for Thursday’s innovation week Software Development segment.
It’s like I got hit by a bomb on my not-so-great days. I had a lot to do and honestly, it felt like really a lot. Then I remembered my team members' comment when we met on Tuesday, who had asked about how I’m handling the pressure and it was like my guide back to reality and out of my head.
It’s true that sometimes what is expected of us takes a toll on us but I am writing this article to tell you that it is okay. Life is full of extra pressure but you will always find your solution and make it out. I may seem like I don’t get any imposter syndrome or I know how to deal with everything the best way possible but I am human.
You are waiting for the climax of my failing to do all that huh? Well, I did all that was expected of me. I did code, I did commit, I did tweet, I did get my presentation ready and I did make it out alive. Consistency is not doing the things expected of you without a struggle. Consistency is finding your balance and doing what feels right to you.
After all the spiraling, I found a way of dealing with all the thoughts and pressure I got and it was to just get out of my head. Stop thinking about it and just do it. And due to that, I am sharing this article. By admitting to myself what was happening to me, I was able to find a workaround for my imposter syndrome and everything else that was in my head.
And that’s it, that’s my story and that’s my experience since the start of the 30-day challenge by GDSC KCA University. Am hoping for the best as I go on though. Wish me luck.