Mayan Artifacts Can Tell A Story
Research about the Mayan culture is intriguing. Did you know that not one pyramid-type structure on the American continent reaches an apex like the Egyptian pyramids? The tops were cut flat and a sacred building was placed on top. In Egypt, the pyramids were used as burial tombs, but in America they were used to worship God. Since they were built for religious purposes, they call them Mayan Temples.
Scientists have found both Hebrew and Egyptian influences in Mexico. It’s puzzling, but it’s true. Dr. Marett, an archaeologist, excavated a tomb at Monte Alban in Mexico. He found two five-foot-tall stone carvings. One carving was Hebrew art and the other was Egyptian. They were both made from the same material and found in the same tomb.
Dr. Spinden of Peabody Institute and Dr. Morley of Carnegie Institute deciphered the writings on a stone found in that region. What they discovered was amazing. Dr. Spinden wrote, “With records cut in imperishable stone, the Mayas suddenly made their appearance upon the historical scene on August 6, 613 B.C. Why on August 6, 613 B.C.? Where were the Mayas on August 5th? Nobody knows.” (Spinden, Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America. Page 12.) Since there were no land migrations, such as tracks or markings left behind, Dr. Spinden was confused where these people had come from.
An archaeologist by the name of Hyatt Verrill heard about a “Golden Book” that the Mayans talked about. He wrote: “According to tradition, a complete history of the Maya was recorded in the Golden Book of the Mayas which, if it actually existed, as it probably did, was so carefully hidden to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Spaniards that it never has been found.” (Verrill, America’s Ancient Civilizations.) To his great surprise, plates of gold were found among the ruins in a cenote, which is a deep sunken hole full of water.
As I learned about the Mayan culture, I was intrigued by their belief in God and their intelligence. In one of the Mayan legends, it is said that a White Bearded God appeared to them from the sky and taught them to be wise as serpents and harmless as birds. Before the White Bearded God appeared to them, Mayan history says there were “frightful earthquakes” and “volcanic fires” that struck fear into the Mayan people. Here are a few quotes from scholars, archaeologists, and historians that they got from Mayan history.
“The sun and moon were eclipsed, the earth shook and the rocks were rent asunder, and many other things and signs happened. This was in the year CeCalli, which, the chronology being reduced to our system, proves to be the same date when Christ our Lord suffered, 33 A.D.” (Bancroft, Native Races. Vol. 5, Page 210.)
“The land was shaken by frightful earthquakes, and the waves of the sea combined with volcanic fires to overwhelm and engulf it. Most of the inhabitants were destroyed.” (Baldwin, Ancient America. Page 176.)
“The lava swept down from Mt. Ajusco in some cataclysm, covering many square miles of territory to a depth of thirty or forty feet and burying such villages as chanced to lie in its path.” (Spinden, Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America. Page 49.) After all this destruction, Mayan history says the White Bearded God appeared to them. With determination, the Mayans rebuilt their cities and roads and began anew.
In my research, I found out that the ancient Mayan artifacts are being sold to the highest bidder. When an ancient ruin is discovered, it doesn’t take long for thieves to find out about it. They can loot a sacred temple in a few days. Did you know that looting is only second to selling illegal drugs? Since organized crime has taken over, there is an increase of violence.
Archaeological thievery is becoming more and more of a problem every year. Did you know that artifacts are being sold online? The ancient past is being sold to the highest bidder. As I researched this subject, I learned to appreciate the archaeologists and what they’re doing out in the field. They’re helping us learn about the ancient past.
This subject became an intriguing subject to me. So I sat down and wrote my next two books. In these mystery/suspense novels, Anasazi Intrigue and Mayan Intrigue, Julia Evans is a reporter and it doesn’t take long until she realizes the story she is pursuing is much bigger than she thought. Before John and Julia realize what is going on, they are both in danger and find themselves running for their lives.
Suko’s Notebook reviewed Mayan Intrigue: “What starts out as a romantic trip quickly turns into a dangerous adventure among the Mayan ruins and jungles, and the vacationers are on the run from thieves--and wild animals! Excitement prevails! This book is full of mystery and suspense. Linda’s writing is lively and down-to-earth; she has the ability to make you feel as if you’re in these stories, along with John and Julia, trying to decipher the truth and escape from harm.”
Pastor in the ELCA, Archaeo-Astronomer, Explorer, Bjj Grappler, Husband, Dad
1 年Very interesting. Thank you for sharing your work.