May Your Resolve To Achieve Your Goals Be Great This Year
2025 is in full swing now.?
We’ve had the first full week back in the office. Projects are getting released. Everything is beginning to move. Which is honestly pretty cool. It gives me hope moving forward.?Because this indicates a growing economy.?
You’re in one of two places. You’ve either moved with the tide or you’ve been pummeled by it. There’s a third place where you’re still on the beach and not in the game, but we don’t care about those folks. Here we talk about the ones in the game.?
Okay, so you got hit by the tide and you’re reeling a little bit. What do you do? One thing I’ve learned through some of the difficult training I’ve done with 3 of 7 Project and surviving in the backcountry is that when the objective is really far away. When you aren’t too sure how long it’s going to take or what it’s going to take to get there is you break it down.?
You chunk it down into smaller pieces. Those pieces become manageable. Then your mind doesn’t get so overwhelmed. It can help you understand how to get to the next milestone. Not the entirety of the journey. And sometimes you just focus on the next steps until you can think clearly or have a better marker to go off of.?
What does this mean in the day-to-day? It means to focus on this week. And if this week is too much, focus on today. And if today is too much, focus on what you’re doing right now. The project in front of you.?
Now, tuning out the rest of the world is hard. Focusing on your single project without distractions isn’t easy. It is however required when things get too noisy.?
And this is what separates everyone. Is your ability to focus? I was talking to a firm about using our automation software. They also went through the exercise of estimating how long it would take them to complete a task in Revit. That estimation is with no interruptions.
What would take you say half a day to do, inevitably takes 2x as long because you aren’t able to focus. The phone rings or someone drops by your cubicle. Whatever happens, what should have taken 4 hours now takes 8.?
This is also the beauty of automation software in that you know the work will get done in minutes. So it doesn’t matter if you get distracted because the work got done without you needing to focus.?
Now, onto the other side. You’re rolling with the tide. You might start to feel tired like you can’t make it through, but you’re pushing. This phase is another separation point.?
You’re crushing it. Getting everything done. Doing what you’re supposed to do. It might be boring. You might be “feeling” it.?
Here, right here is where many regress. You can’t stop. This life you’re living now needs to become your new normal. Here’s the cool thing, you will have better days ahead. Days that just fly by. Primarily because you become better at working.?
You’re faster, better, more engaged. It becomes so easy for you to do the work. Those improvements you make pay off.?
So push through. Keep going. Do not go back.
This 2-week mark is where everyone stops. It’s when it’s hard. It is when it starts to get boring and the excitement wears off. This is where the path to success starts.?
Keep going, you got this.?