May Transit Update - Adventurous Ride & Diversion with New Direction
Jayshree Dhamani
Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu-FengShui Expert, Tarot , Runes, Graphologist, Palmist, Face Reader at Jayshree Dhamani
The transit update for the month of May…
‘May’ is the 5th month of the year…& Mercury is the ruler of the number 5…
The energies of number 5 & Mercury are changeable, energetic & totally unpredictable in nature…
There can be fluctuations & hard time sticking to one place, one idea, one thought, one job, or even one relationship…
We have a lot to explore this month & things can be slower than expected… as Mercury is retrograde till 15th May...
Mercury represents our thoughts, media, communication, travel, education, or any documentation work.
Expect gradual progress in all these significations after Mercury gets direct.
& let’s not forget…Mercury is the King of this samvat year…
Venus is the Minister who would work upon the instructions of King Mercury…. & both are good friends…
The entire month Venus is in Gemini, Mercury’s sign…
Mercury is intellectual and Venus is all about comfort…. pleasure
So, the theme of the month will be to have an intellectual conversation with some brilliant ideas, travel & finish any documentation work.
Secondly, the Aries – Libra axis and its significance will play a major role as we have the Lunar eclipse in Libra…
& In the 2nd half the focus will be more towards Taurus sign & its significance with Sun in Taurus by 15th May….
We may work on improving… our self-image, eating habits, health, family bonding, finances & interpersonal relations.
With the Lunar eclipse of 5th & Mercury retrograde, there can be changes, confusion, even mistakes, or errors in our task & also in the way we feel...
It is likely that our routine can be disturbed...
Retrograde Mercury will impact our decision-making power the most & … can bring delays…
Expect instability in our routine work…Everyone needs to watch... being restless & impatient.
& it can be very easy to lose our temper or our communication can be unclear.
We may jump from one activity to another, without finishing anything….
Also, for the entire month, Saturn is moving really slow just 1° from 11° - 12°
& in June Saturn will get retro at 13° on 18th June….
The significance of Saturn like our career, job, & any health matters may not see much progress.
But, to balance this, we have Jupiter moving faster than normal…. crossing 2 navamsas in a month - Taurus & Gemini.
Jupiter will be in Cancer Navamsa by the 4th of June...& will enter Bharani Nakshatra.
Rahu/Ketu will continue to be in the same sign & in Gemini-Sagittarius nav.
We start the month with Pluto retrogression on 1st May…
Pluto the planet of major transformation will be retrograde in Uttarashada nakshatra.
This retro Pluto can bring our attention to things that we need to work on & change, especially in our career, and our social responsibilities...
It could trigger fear, power struggles, control issues, or any secrets in relationships that can come into the open.
This year we have Venus’s retrogression in Cancer-Leo so Pluto will impact our emotions the most.
On 2nd May, Venus will enter Gemini
This would be a pleasant, unafflicted transit & after Mercury’s direct motion, we can expect some very good & friendly communication.
Even Mercury is initially in Bharani – Venus’ nakshatra. Expect pleasant trips & good entertainment.
& on the same day, we have Sun - Mercury tight conjunction @ 17° in Aries.
This denotes a very good intelligent expression of thoughts but here Mercury is still retrograde so be careful with what & how you talk…
If you use this well then, your personality will shine with your leadership talents & oratory….
Then, we have full moon & 1st Lunar eclipse of the year…in Libra – Vishakha nak @ 20° on 5th May…
Connect this lunar eclipse with the time when Ketu was in Vishakha from February to October 2022.
There could have been some change or diversion in your life around that time…
Whatever you were trying to work on at that time with this eclipse you may see some physical development.
& the very next day on 6th May Jupiter, the lord of Vishakha will enter Taurus Navamsa…
After working on self, now Jupiter will give the pleasure of having healthy food, being with family & also making money.
On, 10th May – Mars will enter Cancer & that will break the exchange of Mars-Mercury...
Again, Cancer is a water element sign, so emotions are going to rule everything.
The fiery & action planet Mars can give emotional conflicts…
Action & emotions both can be intense…In general, …there can be gradual slowness in action.
& on the same day we also have Sun - Uranus conj @ 24° in Aries…
See all these are back-to-back…
& Sun – Uranus conjunction can be an important trigger…
As this can significantly change the equation of the Sun in your chart… whatever the Sun signifies & its lordship, Leo can experience sudden changes.
Then on 15th May – Mercury will be direct @ 11° of Aries.
Expect relief in many ways…especially at the mental level.
There will be gradual clarity and your decision-making power will be strong.
You can now slowly take things forward with your travel plans, contracts, in trading, and documentations, or have important meetings or conversations…
On the same day, Sun will enter Taurus… Expect mental relief as Sun will be out of the clutches of Rahu.
The focus will change to family… finances …. & making necessary changes in these areas.
Also, Jupiter will transit over the Solar Eclipse point of 5° in Aries…
This can help, purification of the eclipse impact…& there can be some new development.
Then on 19th May, we have a New Moon in Taurus - Kritika @ 4°…where the Sun, the lord of Kritika will be in Taurus.
There are chances of some concrete & complete results of this new moon again related to the Sun & Leo sign in your chart.
Also, On the 19th Jupiter will change its navamsa to Gemini & we already have Rahu in Gemini's navamsa.
This will be actually the beginning of Jupiter-Rahu's close conjunction.
Both are planets of expansion and can outgrow everything related to the Aries sign & Gemini in your Navamsa chart.
Aries for external & Gemini for internal results…
Pay close attention to what has its impact on your chart &…handle it well…
Stay morally true to your values …
In any doubt, go on the path of truth & wisdom.
The exact conjunction of Jupiter - Rahu is on the 26th of May @ 8° in Aires…
The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu is known as Guru Chandal Yoga.
The effects of this yoga can be strong…uncontrollable at times & do not categorize in good or bad….
It’s best to go by the wisdom of Jupiter while dealing with any sudden changes in behavior and tendencies…
Along with this, there are other significant aspects that can give us some clue of the impact of this Jupiter-Rahu conjunction…
On 21st May – Mars will be opposite Pluto @ 6° & also Sun will be trine to Pluto @ 6°
Connection to Pluto will strongly influence & bring change in the signification of Mars & Sun in your chart along with Aries, Scorpio & Leo signs.
Mars has 4th aspect on Ketu in Libra & will be exact on 25th May @ 8°
Mars also aspects Saturn with its 8th aspect…in Aquarius…
This is another indication that we are close to an important phase of our life…
Aspect generally denotes the wish or aim that we are targeting…
With Mars aspecting Saturn, Pluto & Ketu indicates… we aim for complete change & end of the matter related to Capricorn & Libra sign.
Sun trine to Pluto will encourage gentle responses to those changes…
& lastly, on 30th May, Venus will move to Cancer…& Mars will welcome, Venus - home…
Venus in Gemini was a fun time with social media, browsing our phones, and laptops, communicating with everyone, traveling & entertaining ourselves…
With Venus in Cancer is all about home comfort…having good food with family, decorating our home, deepening our bond with family & creating a strong foundation.
Expect comfort, nurturing, and a sense of peace around the home.
There can be emotional fights also but the aim is to safeguard affection in relations…
All in all, the entire month is eventful and can bring sudden changes…But, Venus in Gemini will keep it all cool.
It will be a mixed bag of things with all that is happening…
As Rahu plays a significant role…. observe your expression, and responses as any small matter can take a big shape…
Some sudden unexpected things can happen… Do not be overconfident, egoistic, or arrogant…in your behavior.
As Rahu will amplify the matter. Initially, we also have Mercury retrograde. It is advisable to be slow & patient in your approach.
But you will have best time where Gemini is placed in our chart.
Let us see the integrated result for each ascendent… Aries & Taurus will be a prominent signs to look for…&
Watch Venus for all the happiness and fun for this month.
Aries: Very happening month for you personally… It’s about improving yourself, and your health, you may become desperate to prove yourself, even fight for that & you will be noticed for your action...
In the 2nd half, your finances, family, and eating habits will be in the focus….
Pay attention to your value system & make a strong foundation for your inner peace…look for stability & security in life…. It’s time to restore confidence.
Taurus: You really have to be careful where you use your energies as you can get into some obsession.
Be careful with expenditure. Avoid new investments.
Use your passion for some research work, spirituality… you can have success in a foreign country.
Sun in Taurus after the 15th will give you good health….
You will have good relations with the authorities and will be benefited from them.
Gemini: You can best use this month in finding ways to express your thoughts openly, making more connections & widening your circle.
You may work with friends, your network, & fulfill your desires….
Being with nature & having a vacation can help you the most.
Being serious is not anywhere like Gemini…. but revisiting…reflecting on your problems may give peace & bring some solutions.
Cancer: You may work on achieving your goals, having success, getting recognized for your work & accomplishments…
This is backed by some concrete work done by you …so your confidence is high…
You have some great time ahead & while Sun is in Taurus, you can expect, fulfillment of your desires…
You will be benefited from higher-ups & authority…you are also looking forward to a great start.
Leo: You may work on your opinions & principles… you are determined to have more knowledge in your chosen field.
You will really enjoy your social life, & …expressing yourself to the fullest with charm…
You are best when among people & perform in the best possible way.
Make the most of this opportunity & the results,& rewards are on the way…
Virgo: A very intense time for you…this month brings some sudden change for you…It’s time to keep your aggression under check & take care of your health…
Be careful while handling others’ finances, and your tax mattes and avoid any conflicts because of that…
Do make necessary modifications to your opinions & learn something new...
You may have a plan for your future but be flexible & bring change at each level.
With Mercury's retrogression, things can go slow & it’s best to wait without getting frustrated …till Mercury goes direct
Libra: Be careful & alert with everything that you deal with…do not trust blindly…. while dealing with new relations…
Avoid fights & be gentle with all your interpersonal relations.
This month can change you & can make you conscious of your behavior towards others.
There can be some sudden change…
So, be mindful of your action…. reactions & do not be overconfident.
Scorpio: Avoid any debate at your workplace & use this time constructively to develop skills & good health.
It’s time to be disciplined in your daily routine. Do not argue much & maintain balance in your relations…
Do consider your own needs & wishes. It's time to be flexible… have change & do things differently.
Sagittarius: You may work on having some breakthroughs. Focus can be on your children, & the stock market…
It’s time to find an outlet for your creativity and get recognized for your work.
It’s time to improve the way you work…Focus more on your fitness, being disciplined & organized...
You may try to correct everything that is required for you to stand out in the crowd & you can win others with your talents.
Capricorn: You can make a beautiful home, with new decorations...or repairing or even relocation….
It’s time for a change in vehicle-related matters, your family, especially mother-related matters.
There will be great creativity in the work zone…
You may try to improve your talents & the way you express them.
Also, you may look for ways to enjoy what you do but, avoid conflict at home & watch your behavior with family.
Aquarius: You may be desperate to speak, be heard & understood.
Your communication will show your knowledge…but avoid getting to extremes.
It’s the best time to go for short travel… Your strength will increase…
You may have some shift… changes in the home front or vehicle…
Pisces: You need to watch the way you talk and avoid any harshness in your speech or conflicts on valuables.
Your possessiveness may get you into arguments.
It’s time to watch your diet & health. You may work on your family, finances, & making money…
You have great strength…which is not the normal case for you…generally, you are very soft but during this time, you want to show…& speak your mind.
You can be successful in writing, publishing, and communicating your thoughts and ideas.
That was... general impact for all 12 ascendants
To summarize…’ May’ brings a new trend…Mostly it’s a start of a new adventure in your life…
It's time to have control over self, our communication, thought processes…, along with our eating habits & finances.
It is the best time to increase your sense of security & stability in your emotions...
Taurus Sun will help us with that & bring out our originality….
There is light-heartedness in everything with Venus in Gemini…
& You will be able to enjoy, each of these experiences.
Do make the most of this month.
Best wishes!