May Stock List / KD Lumber / Simon Lussier Ltd.
Here is our partial stock list for this week. We have an average of 3,000,000fbm of KD lumber ready to go so make your choice in the below items and build a mix load to upgrade your inventory efficiency.
Since 1938, we have been offering one of the best quality/price ratio on the market. We know we are not the cheapest but our quality and customer service definitely deserves a try if you never tried us. We aim for longterm business and that is why customers buying from us always come back.
Let me know what we can quote !
9,000fbm of 4/4 walnut PRIME (NHLA OAK RULES) 7-14’ x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 6/4 walnut PRIME (NHLA OAK RULES) 7-12’ x RW rough KD
5,000fbm of 8/4 walnut PRIME (NHLA OAK RULES) 7-8’ x RW rough KD
1,300fbm of 4/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 6’ ONLY x RW KD
1,000fbm of 4/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f SAPPY 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
600fbm of 4/4 walnut 1 com SAPPY 6’+ x RW rough KD
28,000fbm of 4/4 walnut 2 com RL x RW rough KD---- ETD JUNE
1,800fbm of 4/4 walnut 3B com RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 5/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
14,000fbm of 5/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x RW rough KD ----ETD JUNE
14,000fbm of 5/4 walnut 1 com RL x RW rough KD ----ETD JUNE
14,000fbm of 5/4 walnut 2 com RL x RW rough KD ----ETD JUNE
4,000fbm of 6/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 8-16’ x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 6/4 walnut 1 com 4-7’ x RW rough KD
1,500fbm of 6/4 walnut 2 com RL x RW rough KD
14,000fbm of 8/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x RW rough KD ---- ETD JUNE
2,000fbm of 8/4 walnut 1 com RL x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 8/4 walnut 1 com RL x RW rough KD ----ETD JUNE
5,500fbm of 8/4 walnut 2 com RL x RW rough KD ----MORE ETD JUNE
1,000fbm of 10/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 11-12’ x RW rough KD
800fbm of 12/4 walnut FAS/FAS1f 11-14’ x RW rough KD
20,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 6-7’ x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 9’ ONLY x RW rough KD
35,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS 6-14’ x RW rough KD
4,00fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 3A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 3B com UNS RL x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr brown/regular 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr brown/regular 7-12’ x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr brown/regular 7-10’ x 8.5’’ and wider rough KD
4,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 1 com brown/regular 6’+ x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 6’ x RW rough KD
2,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 7’ x RW rough KD
13,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 8’-12 x RW rough KD
13,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr STAINED 6’+ x RW rough AND s2s 15/16’’ KD
4,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 8’ x 8.5’’ and wider rough KD
30,000fbm of 4/4 yellow birch 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
150fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 14-16’ x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
1,500fbm of 5/4 yellow birch 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch 3A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr brown/regular 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
20,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr brown/regular 7-12’ x RW rough KD
16,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch 1 com brown/regular RL x RW rough KD
25,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 8-12’ x RW rough KD ---- ETD END-APRIL
42,000fbm of 5/4 yellow birch 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
34,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 8-12’ x RW rough KD
1,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 9-12’ x 8.5’’ and wider rough KD
15,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch 3A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 6/4 yellow birch 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 8/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 8’-10’+ x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 8/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
9,500fbm of 8/4 yellow birch 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 8/4 yellow birch 3A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 8/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr 7-8’ x RW rough KD
1,300fbm of 8/4 yellow birch sel+btr sap+btr STAINED 8’ ONLY x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 8/4 yellow birch 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
2,200fbm of 10/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 9-12’ x RW rough KD
5,500fbm of 12/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS 7-12’ x RW rough KD
2,000fbm of 12/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 12/4 yellow birch 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
1,900fbm of 13/4 yellow birch sel+btr UNS RL x 5’’-7’’ rough KD
4,500fbm of 13/4 yellow birch 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 13/4 yellow birch 2 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
17,000fbm of 4/4 white birch sel+btr sap+btr 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
25,000fbm of 4/4 white birch sel+btr sap+btr 8-10’x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 4/4 white birch sel+btr sap+btr STAINED 7-10’ x RW rough KD
30,000fbm of 4/4 white birch 1 com sap+btr 6’+ x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 4/4 white birch 2 com sap+btr STAINED RL x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 4/4 white birch sel+btr regular/brown 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
26,000fbm of 4/4 white birch sel+btr regular/brown 8-12’ x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 4/4 white birch 1 com regular/brown RL x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 4/4 white birch 2A/3A UNS 4-6’ X RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 4/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7’-12’ x 5.0-5.8’’ ONLY rough KD
900fbm of 4/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f QUARTERED RL x 5.0-5.8’’ rough KD
700fbm of 4/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f RIFT ONLY 8-10’ x RW rough KD
8,500fbm of 4/4 white oak 1 com RIFT ONLY RL x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 4/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x RW rough KD ----ETD MID-END JUNE
6,000fbm of 4/4 white oak 1 com 7-16’ x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 4/4 white oak 2 com RL x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 5/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 5/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7-8’ x RW rough KD
500fbm of 5/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7-8’ x 9.5’’ and wider rough KD
3,500fbm of 5/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f RIFT ONLY RL (1,500fbm of 15-16’) x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 5/4 white oak 1 com RL x RW rough KD ----ETD JUNE
5,200fbm of 5/4 white oak 1 com RIFT ONLY RL x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 5/4 white oak 2 com RL x RW rough KD
1,200fbm of 5/4 white oak 3A com RL x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 6/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 8’-12’ x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 6/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x RW rough KD ----ETD MID MAY
3,000fbm of 6/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x 8.5’’ and wider rough KD ----ETD MID MAY
4,500fbm of 6/4 white oak 1 com RL x RW rough KD – ETD MID MAY
4,500fbm of 6/4 white oak 2 com RL x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 6/4 white oak 3 com RL x RW rough KD
900fbm of 10/4 white oak FAS/FAS1f 9-10’ x RW s2s 2 7/16’’ KD
3,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
30,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 11-14’ (50% of 13-14’) x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr 2white/sap1face 7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr STAINED 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
25,000fbm 4/4 hard maple 1 com sap+btr 6’ + x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple 1 com 1-2 white RL x 3.5’’-4.4’’ ONLY rough KD
10,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple 1 com 100% 1 white RL x RW rough AND s2s 15/16’’ KD
4,500fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr brown/regular 6’ ONLY x RW rough KD
20,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple sel+btr brown/regular 8-12’ x RW rough KD
4,500fbm of 4/4 hard maple 1 com brown/regular RL x 5.9’’ and narrower rough KD
9,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple 1 com brown/regular RL x 7.5’’ and wider rough KD
10,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple 2 com brown/regular RL x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 4/4 hard maple 3A com brown/regular RL x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 5/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 6-7’ ONLY rough KD
1,000fbm of 5/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 8’ x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 5/4 hard maple 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 5/4 hard maple 2A com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 5/4 hard maple 3A com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
1,300fbm of 5/4 maple sel+btr brown/regular 9-10’ x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 5/4 hard maple sel+btr sap STAINED 7-12’ x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 6/4 hard maple FAS/FAS1f sap+btr 7’+ x RW rough KD
1,000fbn of 6/4 hard maple sel+btr sap+btr 7-8’ x 4’’-5’’ ONLY rough KD
30,000fbm of 8/4 hard maple FAS/FAS1f sap+btr 7’+ x RW rough KD ETD MID MAY
11,000fbm of 8/4 hard maple 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD ETD MID MAY
1,000fbm of 10/4 hard maple FAS/FAS1f Sap+Btr 9-10’ x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 4/4 aspen sel+btr RL x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 4/4 aspen 1 com RL x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 4/4 aspen 2A com RL x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 4/4 aspen 3A com RL x RW rough KD
500fbm of 8/4 aspen FAS/FAS1f 11-12’ x RW rough
2,900fbm of 8/4 aspen 1 com RL x RW rough KD
1,500fbm of 16/4 aspen FAS/FAS1f
20,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple sel+btr UNS 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
22,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
25,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 2A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
12,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 3A com UNS RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 3B com UNS RL x RW rough KD
9,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple sel+btr brown/regular 6-7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
7,500fbm of 4/4 soft maple sel+btr brown/regular 8-12’ x RW rough KD
35,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 1 com brown/regular RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple sel+btr sap+btr 7’ ONLY x RW rough KD
11,000fbm of 4/4 soft maple 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
4,500fbm of 5/4 soft maple sel+btr UNS 6-7’ONLY x RW rough KD
13,000fbm of 5/4 soft maple sel+btr UNS 8-12’ x RW rough KD
2,000fbm of 5/4 soft maple 1 com UNS RL x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 5/4 soft maple sel+btr sap+btr 6-7’ x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 5/4 soft maple sel+btr sap+btr 8-12’ x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 5/4 soft maple 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 6/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f UNS 9-10’ ONLY x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 6/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f sap+btr 8-10’ x RW rough KD
6,500fbm of 6/4 soft maple 1 com UNS 7-9’ x RW rough KD
6,500fbm of 8/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f UNS 11-14’ HEAVY 11-12’ x RW rough KD
35,000fbm of 8/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f sap+btr 7’-12’ x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 8/4 soft maple 1 com sap+btr RL x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 8/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f brown/regular 7’+ x RW rough KD
4,500fbm of 10/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f 7-12’ x RW rough KD
6,000fbm of 12/4 soft maple FAS/FAS1f 7-12’ x RW rough KD
22,000fbm of 4/4 yellow poplar 1 com rough KD
7,000fbm of 8/4 yellow poplar 1 com rough KD
5,000fbm of 8/4 yellow poplar 2 com rough KD
1,300fbm of 4/4 red oak FAS/FAS1f 7-10’ x 9.5’’ and wider rough KD
5,000fbm of 4/4 red oak sel+btr RL x 3.5’’-4.9’’ rough KD
12,000fbm of 4/4 red oak 1 com R/Q RL x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 4/4 red oak 2A com RL x RW rough KD
11,000fbm of 5/4 red oak FAS/FAS1f 7’+ x RW rough KD
1,000fbm of 5/4 red oak sel+btr com R/Q RL x RW rough KD
3,500fbm of 5/4 red oak 1 com RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 5/4 1 com R/Q RL x RW rough KD
3,000fbm of 6/4 red oak FAS/FAS1f 8’ ONLY x RW rough KD
2,500fbm of 6/4 red oak 1 com RL x RW rough KD
1,100fbm of 6/4 red oak 2A com RL x RW rough KD
15,000fbm of 8/4 red oak FAS/FAS1f 7-12’ x RW rough KD
8,000fbm of 8/4 red oak FAS/FAS1f R/Q RL x RW rough KD
6,500fbm of 8/4 red oak 1 com RL x RW rough KD
5,000fbm of 4/4 Cherry FAS/FAS1f 90/50+ red 7’+ x RW rough KD ----ETD MAY
5,000fbm of 4/4 Cherry 1 com 90/50+ red RL x RW rough KD ----ETD MAY
3,500fbm of 5/4 Cherry FAS/FAS1f 100/90+ AND 90/50+ red 8-10’ x RW rough KD
5,000fbm of 6/4 Cherry FAS/FAS1f 90/50+ red 8-10’ x RW rough KD
400fbm of 8/4 Cherry FAS/FAS1f 100/90+ red 11-12’ ONLY x RW rough KD
5,000fbm of 8/4 Cherry FAS/FAS1f 90/70+ red 8-12’ x RW rough KD
7,000fbm of 6/4 EU Steamed Beech FAS/FAS1f (A GRADE) RL x RW KD
15,000fbm of 8/4 EU Steamed Beech FAS/FAS1f (A GRADE) RL x RW KD
15,000fbm of 4/4 African Mahogany FAS/FAS1f RL x RW rough KD
1,000fbm of 4/4 African Mahogany 1 com RL x RW rough KD
4,000fbm of 6/4 African Mahogany FAS/FAS1f RL x RW rough KD
10,000fbm of 8/4 African Mahogany FAS/FAS1f RL x RW rough KD
1,000fbm of 8/4 African Mahogany 1 com RL x RW rough KD
Directeur chez Moulures Algonquin mouldings
9 个月Bel inventaire Mathieu!Merci pour l’info.