May. A month of structure!
Samantha Jayne
Psychic Medium | Trance Voice Healer & Medium | Inspirational Coach | Psychic Consultant for TV and Media Projects | Writer
As we enter a new month energetically as Entrepreneurs, as business leaders, May brings with it a whole new energy where our focus and our time shifts towards building a strong foundation in our business and our lives so that we can have a secure future. It's a transit where we can benefit from hugely from paying attention to detail and making sure that nothing gets overlooked within our businesses.
This month is all about stability, practicality, organization, and the construction of a solid foundation that will withstand the test of time. Only when we have this can we truly then move our businesses towards sustainable growth and resilience in this every changing world of business. Have you been shown over recent months that you need to have a much stronger framework in your business? Is less in fact more? Create the space to focus on what you do best. Where your business can flourish.
There is a need to have a very grounded, practical approach this month when it comes to business so watch for getting distracted by chasing fleeting trends or indulging in high-risk ventures. Instead you would do well to ensure careful planning, realistic goal-setting, and a reliance on tried and tested methods to get results. To create success. Everything this month is about practically creating long term prosperity by facing issues, faults in your business and getting very practically minded about how to move forward to ensure you are still in business long term.
It is also about doing business with the right people. Having the right team and nurturing a reputation built on reliability and integrity. Your morals, attitude and reputation are going to play a huge part this month in the things that you are doing and whether your are going to be successful. Opportunities an present this month that can create huge success in the long run but you must do the nitty gritty work now.
Many will go back to doing something they thought they had put down, put on hold or just simply not had the time to review. So if you find yourself going backwards to come forwards this month, know you are doing so on much more solid ground now. Have an amazing month and remember to reach out if you need to grab a session with me.
You are allowed to be spiritual and wealthy
Samantha Jayne
Spiritual Business Coach