May Kairos reign more and more in us!

May Kairos reign more and more in us!

Faithful Living? just completed a three-month dive into discovering how our time, talents and treasure can define who we are to the world around us. This month, the theme of time will surface again as we consider another approach and compare this to the linear indefinite continuum of the clock.

Two Questions: Are you time orientated or relationship orientated? Do you derive more comfort with schedules and checklists or are you more concerned with connecting with others?

We definitely need both persuasions in our world but what ultimately matters most? What is considered ‘best’ from the eternal perspective? Take the Mary-Martha syndrome. Martha worried and fretted about everything that was needed in feeding the many guests who just arrived at her home. Their good friend Jesus was numbered among them. Mary on the other hand, decides to just sit at the feet of our Lord and hangs on His every word. Jesus commented that Mary chose the ‘better’ way and He exclaims that what she was experiencing would not be taken from her.

On June 28th at our War Room gathering, one brother lifted up the notion of the difference between the chronological moments of our lives and contrasted these with the moments that in essence take our breath away. All of us have experienced these precious times along our life journey where it feels as if time ceases. I believe with all my heart that in these beautiful moments, God pulls back the curtain of eternity and gives us a glimpse of what Heaven will be like. Hang with me here. If Heaven is outside of time, can it be possible that God might infuse a bit of the beyond into our world so that we would hunger and yearn for more?

As a Crew Leader for our church Kid’s Camp recently in July, we were constantly looking for God sightings. My amazing young people watched for how and where God was working and we wrote these encounters on little fish and taped them to the wall for all to see.

What describes these God incidences is the word Kairos.

Wikipedia defines the Greek term Kairos, “The appointed time in the purpose of God.” To put it another way, it’s anytime when God reaches in and acts.

Others define it as “deep time.” “That’s one way to describe it!” Kairos takes us beyond the temporal and into the transcendent. Take a moment and reflect back across your life. Where did Chronos stop and Kairos begin? Did you feel closer to God in these occurrences?

Our Kairos God, like I indicated before, exists beyond time. He created the chronological world for all of us. But, He reveals Himself in the fullness of Kairos.

Jesus is heading through Jericho on His way to Jerusalem and the cross. Traveling with so many in the heat and dust swirling around, the people hear cries from beyond the crowd. Many tell this man to shut up, but in his defiance, he shouts all the more--- because he hears that the Savior of the world is heading his way. ”Son of David have mercy on me!” And then…Jesus stops and hears him. He responds, “Call the man.” This dirty, smelly, cowering beggar trembles and drops to the ground before our Lord. His name is Bartimaeus. He is blind. Jesus asks BB what he wants. He utters suddenly, “I want to see!” Our Lord heals his eyes and the now sighted believer, jumps up and rejoices as everyone begins traveling again [paraphrase, Matt. 10:46-52]. For this son of Timaeus, a tremendous Kairos encounter to be sure!

My parents wintered on the island of St. Croix for years. A pervasive constant in this Caribbean paradise is “Island time.” Residents exude a chill and relaxed style of living. Everyone is happy and laid back. Deadlines and timetables take a back seat to family, community and building relationships.

There is something to be said for a slower pace where God can find ways to intervene into our lives. And, in gratitude therefore, we welcome His presence more.

The Bible records many instances where people were radically changed by encountering Christ. See if these are numbered among the Kairos:

The women with the issue of blood for 12 years touching His hem. The man on the mat near the pool of Siloam for 36 years, and one day encounters Jesus. The widow’s son who lived in Nain and Jesus stops the procession and touches his bier. The wedding feast in Cana where Jesus turns 6, 30-gallon vessels filled with water into wine. Healing the Centurion’s servant by His word. Restoring Malchus’s right ear in the Gethsemane Garden. The conversation at night with Pharisee Nicodemus. Calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee with the twelve. Healing the 10 lepers. Helping Mary Magdalene with her demons. Assisting Peter in realizing his calling at the remarkable breakfast on the beach. I know I have missed many. Which stories do you remember?

I believe Christ is imploring all of us to feel more of the Kairos of life. Jesus wants us to see our lives differently on a daily basis. Are deadlines and timelines important, certainly! But once you experience Kairos, you never want to go back. It is here where we enjoy the best fellowship with our Creator.


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