May I see your paper please – Emergency Order No. 20-07
From: Boris Foster <[email protected]>
Law Offices of Boris Foster
7850 NW 146th Street, Suite # 507
Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Phone: 786-877-3779
Subject: May I see your paper please – Emergency Order No. 20-07
Date: April 17, 2020 at 7:42:45 AM EDT
To: Town Manager Ed Pidermann [email protected];
Cc: Mayor Manny Cid [email protected];
Vice Mayor Nelson Rodriguez [email protected];
Jeffrey Rodriguez [email protected];
Marilyn Ruano [email protected];
Joshua Dieguez [email protected];
Luis Collazo [email protected];
Carlos Alvarez [email protected];
Town of Miami Lakes Manager, Edward Pidermann
Good morning Mr. Pidermann,
Miami Lakes Emergency Order No. 20-07 makes it illegal for any person whether on foot, vehicle, or any other conveyance to travel or stand or remain on a sidewalk or roadway between 10:00 PM until 5:00 AM unless traveling to or from work, or seeking medical services.
To the best of my capabilities, I attempt to comply with the state’s, the county's, and the town's emergency orders.
I try to be at least six feet from anyone when I make my no more than once weekly trip to the supermarket, only when it is necessary, and I go alone. I now wear a mask, and I wash my hands frequently.
I leave my home only to get groceries and exercise.
I am very willing to submit to the government's new rules and restrictions on normal basic behavior.
The world has changed in the last month, and I want to do my part in not contracting or spreading the coronavirus.
I believe most people are willing to sacrifice some of their basic rights and submit to these emergency orders if it appears their sacrifices will have an impact on the stated purpose of slowing the contagion.
When it seems the sacrifice is without a purpose, the citizens start to lose faith in their leaders.
Emergency Order No. 20-07, issued on 04-13-2020
Emergency Order No. 20-07 affects me directly and makes me a criminal for activities I have engaged in for more than a decade.
I run and bike on weekend mornings for about 3? hours. I start my training that I can end my exercises before sunrise and before the traffic picks up.
In South Florida, people who do these longer distance endurance exercise do them during the coolest part of the day, before sunrise for good reasons. Besides avoiding traffic, we avoid heatstroke and dehydration.
I am not alone. The Miami Marathon held two months ago had well over 20,000 runners. Gyms and parks are closed. There are more people than ever trying to share the sidewalks to get some exercise.
Truncating the time when people can go outside to exercise is not only puzzling but appears to be going counter to the stated purpose of having less congested sidewalks and more social spacing.
In addition to encountering more walkers, runners, and cars, I now must reduce my exercise routine by more than half to prevent negative health effects from exercising in the heat and sun.
I appreciate our leaders' responsibilities of trying to make informed and common-sense restrictions to keep us all safe.
Maybe the purpose for the restrictions needs to be more thoroughly explained that the citizens can more fully understand the good reasons why their rights are being curtailed, and their normal activities converted into crimes.
I hope we do not get to a point where our leaders believe they can cavalierly use COVID-19 as an excuse to enact emergency rules that negatively affect residents without carefully weighing what benefits will be gained by those residents.
Boris Foster
Law Offices of Boris Foster
7850 NW 146th Street, Suite # 507
Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Phone: 786-877-3779