In May I sat down with Joel Saxe with Get Healthy with Joel.  This is his interview!
photo credit - Get Healthy with Joel

In May I sat down with Joel Saxe with Get Healthy with Joel. This is his interview!

CMK – “This is Connie Irvine with CMK Connections and I’m here to interview Joel Saxe with Get Healthy with Joel. How are you doing Joel?”

JS – “I’m doing great Connie, thanks for the opportunity.”

CMK – “So how long have you been in the health and wellness industry?”

JS - “Well actually that is interesting because in the 1980s I was a pastry chef and one of the things I love about the idea of baking for people is it allowed me to work with my hands and be creative.  But I did not like the idea of providing white sugar and white flour for people. So, I thought to myself what I could do that would allow me to have that creativity but feel like I could be contributing more to humanity and helping people to be well. It was then I decide to become a massage therapist.  I've been in the health industry probably since 1986, when I got my massage license. Yeah, I’m just passionate about helping people live life to its fullest.”

CMK – “How long has Get Healthy with Joel been in business?”

JS – “So get healthy With Joel opened the fall of 2015 because of my personal Journey.  The company that I'm now affiliated with is Purium.” 

CMK – “Did you want to touch a little bit on what Purium is all about?”

JS – “Sure, my mission statement is that everyone has the potential to be fully healthy and out of that I have 7 values which are basically stances, I take and don't compromise on. This really is the core of who I am. Value number one is authentic communication allows us to be real and empowered. Two, educating and sharing healthy alternatives impacts all our lives. Three, we all count and it’s crucial that we work together in harmony. Four, children deserve a healthy start in Life, our future depends on it. Five, optimal health begins with pure air water and food. Six, it’s vital to maintain and nurture a healthy environment. And lastly our thriving plan is contingent on all this making a difference. The reason I got started with this company, Purium. I ran it through my mission and values and when I saw that, for me, they were in perfect alignment. That's when I decided that this is a company I can get excited about and really get behind to share with people because they truly believe in everything I just said.”

CMK – “Absolutely, and you saw transformation with yourself by utilizing their products?”

JS - “I did, in fact, when I was turning 60 in the spring of 2015, I was going through a mid-life crisis. As a result of that, I knew I could do better. I was healthy, but I knew I could have more potential in terms of how I could feel. I didn’t know what I was looking for, I just knew that there was something out there. I had about 30 pounds I wanted to lose and a friend of mine introduced me to a product line to lose weight. She told me all about it. She said it was the best thing ever. She opened the package and literally, I thought I was smelling Fruit Loops or Trix cereal. I said to myself, really you want me to take this to lose weight? Then I looked at the ingredients. There was nothing in it that I felt could really help me in terms of nutrition. So, I said thanks but no thanks. Shortly thereafter, a friend of mine who is an athletic trainer at the gym I worked out at, introduced me to Purium. The first thing I did was to look at the label and, on that label, all I saw was organic non-GMO foods that I knew could really nourish my cells, tissues and organs. The one thing I didn't see was any additives, binders, fillers, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or chemicals. Nothing irradiated, just amazing organic foods. That was what I was looking for, so what I decided to do when I got started with Purium, was I took a 10-day vacation from processed foods. What that looked like was taking Purium products for 10 days, along with some other foods I have. What I noticed during those 10 days was part of a miracle, I felt like I had more energy than I had had in a long time I had a lot more mental clarity.  I lost eight and a half pounds in those first 10 days. Eight of that was body fat. The reason I know it was body fat is because I weighed myself on very expensive scale that could measure it and, I was getting sufficient protein so that I did not burn any lean muscle mass and because of that the body turn to burn fat so the science behind this program is absolutely amazing. The results that I saw myself were so impressive to me.  I just can't keep my mouth shut, I have to share it with people.”

CMK – “Absolutely. I have seen the pictures and they are phenomenal which shows proof anybody that goes through any process that they immediately look younger and healthier and more alive and more vibrant. You know that you're on to something that's really good.”

JS – “Exactly I won’t say I felt dead, but I felt like I was worn out. Now, I feel alive again.” 

CMK – “Wow.  What do you find most challenging in your industry today?”

JS - “The biggest thing I'm finding is there are so many different companies and products and options out there in terms of what people call nutrition and it’s so confusing.  How do people know what they're looking for?  I see people all the time throw their hands up in the air and almost surrenders like there's nothing I can do I just give up. I like being able to get people to get grounded.  To see what it is that I really have to offer them and let them know that yes this is a viable company that really does make a significant difference in people's lives this is really critical.” 

CMK – “And like you touched on earlier, it's all about being able to read a label.”

JS – “Right. If I don’t know what is in it, I wouldn’t put it in my body.”

CMK – “Right, and we've been taught that.  We just don't put it into practice. If you can't pronounce it, if you know that it's not food, don't eat it. Yet we do, so it's nice to know that Purium has the product.”

JS – “Well the other thing Connie is this, when you go to the grocery store, and you go down all the center aisles, anything in a bag, box or jar is going to have ingredients that we don't want to put into our bodies. Quite frankly, the multinational companies of the world, really don't have your health in best interest in mind. They have their corporate profits and the fact that they report to the shareholders to allow them to make money. That's where they're their priorities are. They literally hire food chemists to make the food taste good and can be addictive using sugars and the salts and everything else you know. If you buy one box of Triscuits or Oreos, well that’s not what they want. They want you to buy over and over again. With what I offer it's a whole different paradigm shift and again we need to take matters into our own hands and take our health back and we vote with our dollars.” 

CMK – “And through my own health Journey, I've come to understand that everybody will say that there's a high cost. It cost too much to eat better. Well the fact of the matter is, we are geared to eat more. When you spend more but eat less you're paying the same amount of money but you're putting in your body what you need to put in it and save money because you don't have the medical bills anymore. Your body will naturally adjust itself when you put in the nutrients it needs. You're not overeating and so cost-wise, it's not really a valid point to not be choosing these healthy foods.”

JS – “Absolutely, and the other component along with what you said is the fact that this is just a redistribution of a family's food budget by incorporating some of my product that’s organic and non-GMO. You're not going to be buying as much at your Safeways or Albertsons.”

CMK – “Right. What are some, and you touched on this a little bit, what are some important things people need to know about their current understanding of living healthy. I see this all the time where you know we've debunked the food pyramid you know all these things that we think are healthy like eating diet foods or light foods and all of that. What are some important things people need to understand when they are looking to be healthy but have this misconception on what healthy eating is.”

JS – “Well, I think the biggest thing is most people are unaware of what is being sprayed on our food. We are being inundated right now by an herbicide called glyphosate. This is the active ingredient in Roundup and it is sprayed on all commercial produce grown in the United States. What happens is that it gets into our lower gut and settles there. Now the lower gut is nicknamed the second brain for two reasons. One, there more neural transmissions that currently in the lower gut then actually occur in our brain. It's critical in terms of this communication to our body. Secondly, 70 to 80 % or our immune system comes from the lower gut. It's critical that we have a healthy microbiome or lower gut. Now Glyphosate gets into the lower gut and settles there, and it damages the veal I which is basically like blades of grass. The vili is nourished and fed through the healthy bacteria that the lower gut has. Glyphosate will push the Vili down, and it will kill the healthy bacteria in our lower gut. So, it's not operating very efficiently and again 70 - 80% of our immune system lives there. Now I can't make medical claims. I will say, if you look at the timing of when Monsanto started spraying glyphosate on to our Foods about 20 to 25 years ago and the rise of diseases like autism, cancer, ADD, Alzheimer’s and all sorts of different diseases, I think are directly correlated in terms of the spike that we have experienced in the last 20 – 25 years. So, we now have a product that has been clinically proven in a double-blind study to on average remove 74% of the glyphosate in just 6 weeks from the folks that took the glyphosate the bio medic product and they were able to flush that out of their system. What that means is we went from people who had elevated levels in this double-blind study reduce their glyphosate levels down to maintain normal levels, in just six weeks.”

CMK – “Wow, that’s huge.”

JS – “It is huge. The other major health marker is called C Reactive Protein. CRP for short. That’s basically an information marker. The higher your CRP levels for example, the more likelihood that you will have a stroke or heart attack.  In that same, double-blind study, The CRP levels went down by 75%.”

CMK – “Now is that the same product or different?”

JS – “It’s with the same product. The same bio medic product, the levels went down by 75%.  So, it is something in my opinion Connie that everybody needs because we all have, in my opinion, a damaged microbiome you could eat the most organic food that you possibly can but if you go out to dinner you are still introducing it to your body. Your still eating things that you probably shouldn't or perhaps your now you've had the accumulation maybe you've gone totally organic in the last 3 years?  What about the first 60 years of your life?”

CMK – “Right, that is still lingering there. It’s not being flushed out.”

JS – “It’s still there, in fact babies are now being shown to be born with glyphosate in their system. It’s passing on through the placenta.”  

CMK – “It's a huge problem that people need to start addressing.  Which is, what is our food source?  What is food? My question was going to be with there being numerous businesses within the health and wellness field what makes Purium different. And I know from talking to you and from what you have been explaining it’s what’s on the label. If something in a whole food is a created chemical, you should not be consuming it?”

JS – “I'll give you a good example, melatonin!  Most melatonin you're going to find in the stores is synthetic man-made melatonin. The body doesn't know what to do with it, it just processes it and it goes right through. We have a product called Apothecary now tart cherry is the best putting a natural source of melatonin that you can find in nature so when taken before bedtime this will give you the natural melatonin you need to get that restful night's sleep and your body absorbs it like it is designed to.”

CMK – “Wow, the more you know!”

JS – “Right, like synthetic vitamins, I don't believe in synthetic vitamins, I don’t take them. I won't take a one a day or a multivitamin, but what I will take is my Purium food every day and I'm getting my nutrition through my awesome organic food.”

CMK – “We've lost that overtime. It's so easy to take a pill. If you are deficient in this just take a pill. Versus learning there are foods that are on this planet for a reason and we're supposed to consume them over pill. We like the easy way though. But we are seeing the ramifications of making that choice in our health. In the crazy epidemic of Alzheimer's that's just pretty much everybody. Is there going to suffer from it if you're not taking care of yourself and you're putting these chemicals in your body that are straight affecting your brain. So, what sets you apart from other representative of companies? How do you work with people? What does that look like?”

JS – “So for me, I’m about the relationship. Whether I quote on quote make a sale or not that doesn't matter. I provide total service to the people that I want to help. I will talk to you, I will find out what it is that concerns you, where specifically might you be wanting to take your health and fitness goals and then from that this is something that you want to take a closer look? If you want to be a customer fantastic if not that's fine too but at least this way I'm giving you the information. You don't have to worry about me trying to, quote on quote, sell you. As I said in the beginning I come from the mission and values that I said at the beginning of this interview and that is my commitment to you. I do want to bring up one other quick component to what get healthy with Joel is about.”

CMK – “Okay, please do.”

JS – “One of my values again, optimal health, begins with superior air, water and food. What is our water option?  How do we assure ourselves that we are drinking the best quality water? Well I aligned myself with a company back in 1989. At that time, as massage therapist, I was telling our clients to drink lots of water. Well it only makes sense to drink pure water. I found this company called multi-pure and what I loved about it is the fact that every claim they make is verified through third-party testing. I can confidently say that it's the best water filtration system on the market. It's not me saying it but it has the broadest certification of any filter on the market. The organization NSF was commissioned by the EPA back in the 1990's to standardize the water treatment industry because at that time a lot of companies were making claims that their filter will take out this or that, but they have little to no lab test to prove it. So, to protect the consumer NSF was commissioned to standardize it and according to NSF multipure has the broadest certification of any filter on the market. That's why I can confidently say it's the best. For $0.09 a gallon, you can get an unlimited supply of water but not just for drinking I use for cooking, I wash all my fruits and vegetables with it and I know that I am getting chemical-free water to go with my awesome Purium products.”

CMK – “What does that look like? Is that a machine that is going into your home to filter your water?”

JS – “Yes, it’s a unit that for homeowners is designed to go underneath the kitchen sink. You have a separate faucet coming up for your filtered water and you have your tap water is normal to wash your dishes, that way you're not wasting filtered water to wash your dishes. You replace the cartridge once a year for about $70 dollars.”

CMK – “What's important for everyone to understand is that we think that when we go to the store and we pick up bottled water, that we are doing good by not drinking polluted tap water. So, we go down to the store and are going to buy bottled water, only we don't know how long that water has been sitting in that bottle and we know how bad plastic is. So, people need to understand that although you think you are doing the right thing by buying a bottle of water, you’re not. Not only are we filling up landfills, a huge percentage is not recycled, we are absorbing BPA. People really need to do their homework in in the realm of water filtration systems for their home, for their family, and it's awesome that you have that opportunity to have a discussion with them on what is the best for them.”

JS – “Right! As we approach the summer and the temperature gets warmer, the plastic it in the bottles is going to leach into the water. You're going to get the chemicals from that plastic. Particularly if you leave your plastic water bottles in the car.”

CMK – “Absolutely, I think a lot of people understand that but what they don’t understand is how long has that bottle been sitting in the store and how did it get to the store. You don’t know how long it’s been sitting on a truck Somewhere in Arizona, and then by the time it gets to you it doesn’t feel warm and you have no clue the quality of the water, so we really need to spend more time and educate ourselves about the water we drink.”

JS – “Well, the other thing about bottled water is, legally there is nothing that prohibits a bottle water company from actually taking tap water and processing and put in a bottle. Maybe they remove some Chlorine and make it taste better but you're paying thousands of times more for this bottled water than you are for tap water, again with my $0.09 a gallon Unlimited Supply for a year and you are getting the best quality water.”

CMK – “We can't discount that your doctors telling you all the time to drink more water. It cleanses our cells, and if the water we drink can't cleanse our cells, why are we even drinking it, it's just going straight through us. It's not doing any good and so we really need to, as a society, focus on better quality water.”

JS – “Exactly!”

CMK – “Well thank you for your time in sharing your business. Will you please finish by giving us all your contact information?”

JS – “Sure. My mail addresses is [email protected]. I have a website,, as well and my phone number is 503-313-6977.”

CMK – Perfect. Thank you.

JS – Thank you very much Connie, I really appreciate it.


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