May I Give…Thank You to Calyn Quinn
Calyn’s story begins in 2015 when she met a young girl diagnosed with lung cancer. Calyn often visited her at the hospital, and it was then that she began to notice the other children fighting the same battle. It was at this moment that Calyn made the decision to devote her time and love to pediatric cancer patients.
In 2016, Calyn created Fight For Gold, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising money and hope for children. In 2018, Calyn challenged Tampa Catholic High School, her alma mater, to raise money for the cause and in return she shaved her hair…stating that she felt pure joy while holding the hand of one of her fighters. Calyn’s strong love for the pediatric cancer community in Tampa Bay goes even beyond fundraising as she gives her own time to take care of the children at their homes, play with them at the park, and share a meal with them at Chick-fil-A. The ordinary moments that Calyn spends with her fighters creates a beautiful lifelong bond that can never be broken. Networking Leads created “May I Give” as a way to help raise up people and the community. Super heroes like Calyn need to be acknowledged for all the good they bring to humanity.
Thank you Calyn for always giving back and being an inspiration to your fighters, their families, and everyone in the Tampa community.
Kathia E. Guzman, Strategic Marketing Consultant
Networking Leads
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