May I ask you, have you got a dog?
The Caliph had never been so furious before.
{…pausing the construction of the new palace…}
{…lowering taxes…}
{…limiting nobility advantages…}
How dare the Vizir suggest such things to me, he told himself, angrily. I shall cut his thumbs off!
However, he decided to finish the report, before deciding what punishment to apply to the disrespectful man.
He read the last part:
{Teach your favorite dog how to fly.}
Stunned, the Caliph looked at the other side of the page, which read:
{Three years plan to teach quadrupeds, how to fly:
1st year: Mental exercises appropriate for animals.
2nd year: Physical exercise and focused bodybuilding.
3rd year: Flying techniques and velocity control.}
The next paper included a resume on what sophisticated-looking techniques to use to turn a quadruped animal into a flying one. The page certainly is legit, with even a diagram about it.
I shall be the very first ruler with a flying pet, he said, proudly, and called the Vizir over.
Could we have it done to my white horse too?
Certainly, sir.
The Caliph, very pleased, gave him a huge palace in a remote mountain, with enough resources to last three years for him and his guard.
While the Vizir was getting ready to travel, his guard approached him.
Excuse me, honorable Vizir, he told him. I must inform you; if the dog does not fly in three years, the Caliph has ordered me to kill you.
I assume, said the Vizir.
Allow me to say, sir, I do not think that dog will ever fly, the guard added, cautiously.
I think that too, responded the Vizir.
Then why did you tell the Caliph it was possible, he asked, astonished.
Very easy, my dear friend, explained the Vizir. In one year, the Caliph will run out of money and will increase the taxes. In two years, the peasants will turn against the nobles. There will be a major civil war. In three years, the Mongols will invade Bagdad and there will be nothing left.
I see the guard says. And what will happen to us?
We will be somewhere very far away, with a very nice dog, answered the Vizir.
Moral of this story?
Don't tell your boss or your clients what you think they will like to hear.
Advise the best way you can as per your expertise and knowledge.
Are you not convinced?
May I ask you, have you got a dog?
Chef de Ventes Afrique du Nord
7 年Could my cat fly?