May Highlights: The inside scoop on the Federal Budget and other insights ??

May Highlights: The inside scoop on the Federal Budget and other insights ??

Hey there!

It's official, the year is flying by How are we already in the last days of May?

There is so much going on in the world of occupational therapy and Otuition right now, and we can't wait to dive into our favourites of this week....?

What's new! ???

2024-25 Federal Budget released

As we look at the link between policy and progress, the 2024-25 Federal Budget shows us a clear view of our disability sector. While the government's efforts to steady the NDIS's financial ship and reinforce its safeguards are commendable (and necessary), the concerns from advocacy peaks like PWDA and NDS underscore the need for co-designed and disability-informed reform.

The Australian Government has developed an Early Years Strategy

Acknowledging the crucial role of early childhood in lifelong development and success, the Strategy details the Government's plan to prioritise child-focused policy development and allocate resources to early years support and services for the next decade.

Speech Pathology Australia had a crucial input in the Strategy as it recognises the importance of speech and language skills for healthy development, to express their emotions and connect positively with others.

Otuition Blog Spotlight ??

Preparing for Your Occupational Therapy Interview: A Guide for Early Career and New Graduate Therapists:?This article will guide you through everything you need to know to ace your interview and secure your dream job in occupational therapy.


The Long Journey to Home Modifications: Overcoming Barriers with NDIS:?Discover how we navigated the complexities of securing NDIS funding for their complex home modifications and the lessons we've learned.

Otuition Favourites ??

Wondering what we've been loving? Here are 2 favourites of this edition...

Private Practice Made Perfect Podcast with Cathy Love

If you haven't heard of The Private Practice Made Perfect Podcast, it dives into real-life stories, adventures, and even a few confessions from Australian Allied Health businesses. It's a must-listen for anyone looking to be inspired by the journeys and insights of industry pros.


'Dare to Lead' Book by Brene Brown

There’s a reason this book topped the New York Times Bestsellers list. It urges leaders (and professionals) to free themselves from the constraints of perfectionism, embrace vulnerability, and establish genuine connections with their team members. It's a must-have book!

Otuition: A game-changer for occupational therapists everywhere....

Imagine a space where you can connect with like-minded occupational therapists, share experiences, and access leading professional development resources—all in one place.

This space will be your go-to community for mentorship, collaboration, and growth.

Curious? More exciting details are coming soon. Keep an eye on your inbox.?

We can't keep it a secret much longer ??

And, that's all for this edition!

Next time you hear from us we'll be in June - halfway through the year .?

We will be at the 2024 OT Exchange in the exhibitor's area with the Otuition team. As Perth locals, we’re excited to chat about how we can support your OT journey, share some BIG NEWS, and meet and connect with fellow OTs and like-minded colleagues.

Will you be there?

Have a wonderful week, we'll see you soon ??

Lauren and Therese

Any topics you're eager for us to explore is the next newsletter? Let us know!




