This may get awkward
Jane Cassell
Fixed fee Probate, Wills, LPAs & Contentious Probate to give you peace of mind. Free chat to understand what’s required. Jane’s team cares ????
Some things in life feel awkward to discuss.
Whether it's impotency, bladder weakness or something else, you may choose to muddle on, pretend things are okay, and hope the situation goes away.
If you’re part of a blended family, meaning you and your partner have different children, perhaps even some joint children, then the situation is not going away.
You surely want to provide for your partner, but you surely also really want to provide for your own children.
Whether you’re married or not, if you take proper advice, there is a good solution.
It goes something like this.
You can give your partner or spouse what’s called a life interest in all or part of your estate. They can enjoy it for the rest of their life. Ultimately though, your bit of the estate must pass to your children.
Similarly, they give you a life interest so that if they die first, you have access to the home, the dividends from shares, the interest from bank accounts, the rental income from the buy to let, but once you’ve died, their estate will pass to their own children, just as your estate will pass to your children.
It might feel awkward saying out loud that you want to make proper provision for your children, particularly if you have a needy partner. But it’s a lot easier once you realise the solution allows you to take proper care of your partner and also your children.
You see, with a specialist professional who’s seen it all before, there need not be awkwardness. Just making strong decisions from a position of awareness and understanding.
I’d you’d like to have a chat with Jane, give us a call on 01727 840 240 or drop her a line at [email protected] and let’s set up a time to speak.