May The Force Be With You
Dave Block
Jewish Believer in Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah / Volunteer With Chosen People Ministries
Today is a big day for Star Wars fans! The seventh installment in the Star Wars series is finally released with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
One of the most famous and now iconic quotes said was "May the Force Be With You". The Force is defined as "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us." It contains both good and evil. It was said by numerous characters throughout the Star Wars film series as an expression of good luck or good will, often used as individuals parted ways or in the face of an impending challenge.
But what do we mean by the "Force"? Is the Force the same thing as God?
The creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, set out to create a modern mythology to teach right and wrong, as there always is a lesson to be learned.
As “The Gratitude Guy”, I AM on a similar path. I realized that despite anything that has taken place in my life so far, I have the ability within my heart right NOW to turn any circumstances around. Because the only way to bring more of what you truly want in life is by being GRATEFUL for what you already have.
But the truth is some days I’m just not feeling it, especially when I get trapped in believing the messages my ego is feeding me. This makes me feel like I’m wasting my time, and become less motivated to continue.
Now you tell me, what is wrong with this picture?
The Gratitude Guy was supposed to be a messenger of gratitude, love, and awareness whose “job” it was is to inspire others to reach for their full potential in life. So, how can a man who dedicated himself to excellence by making a commitment, partially fulfilling it, then start taking a back seat, and allow himself to coast his way to mediocrity, instead of the greatness that lives within.
In other words, The Gratitude Guy sold himself short by allowing his disempowering feelings to take him on a one way vacation to “Someday” Island.
What I am trying to say is that sometimes you have days that you feel like “crap” and have no desire to continue your passion. But what I soon discovered is that feelings come and go and desires come and go. So that’s when it’s time to reevaluate and stop allowing your circumstances to dictate who you’re really being in the world.
For there is an approach to life we must understand.
Unfortunately, many people feel that being grateful means that they have to give up on their dreams and goals. It does not. We can still desire to want better and work to make our situations better, but it does mean that we should not approach our proper desire for more with a greedy, covetous attitude.
Nor can we compare what others have and what we may not have from an attitude that we deserve the same or even better. Maybe we do deserve it, but right now God has chosen not to give it to us, and we must be content with that and thankful for what we have been given.
So, I decided to choose how I want to feel, regardless of what is! And I choose to feel good, to feel love, and allow myself to honor the gratitude that surrounds me on a daily basis. I don’t need a single thing to change to find relief and feel good.
I just desire to feel AWESOME and know that what I truly desire will be mine. I will focus on the beautiful, wonderful, meaningful possibilities. Because I realize that the only thing that really holds you back is your belief that you cannot move forward. Once you’ve let that go, you free yourself to soar.
Stop fighting with yourself! Stop fighting the natural flow of things.
Start trusting in a higher power to help free yourself from painful emotions by plugging into Source, because Love IS Source. Source is Love.
Show the earth your gratitude and love and she will honor your every step. Live free in the present moment and you free the world. Love unconditionally and you will know and become love itself. Unconditional love truly is an unlimited way of being.
We are here to celebrate life. Every step we take upon this magical journey is ours to enjoy. Embracing our potential and using this power to let go of limitation, we experience a new level of our true self as we become more present in the moment.
Your life will go much more smoothly when you give up control and allow things to happen instead of feeling that you always have to make them happen. In fact, we open ourselves to all sorts of wonderful possibilities that aren’t there when we’re attached to one “right” path.
We must awaken our constant devotion to the Source of life and keeps our hearts open to the Divine in every moment, no matter what arises.
Just picture it as finally letting go of the steering wheel. It’s still moving forward, but you don’t have to worry about the destination. Sit back, relax, and allow God to do the driving.
The message of `Star Wars' is about good and evil, and the idea of sacrificing something larger than yourself and this becomes abundantly clearer when we realize that God is always there if you want him to be, as he lives within each one of us.
I encourage each one of you to look deep inside your heart and open up your mind to all the possibilities that life can offer. Make each day count and live with passion.
You will be so surprised how your life can change is so many ways.
CATCH GRATITUDE and May The Force Be With You. Always.