May #Edu resources - part 2??
Al Kingsley MBE
All things #Education, #Ai, #EdTech, #Growth. CEO NetSupport, Multi Academy Trust Chair, DfE Advisory Board, 24 ISC Global Edrupter, Bestselling Author/Speaker, DBT Export Champion, #Edufuturist, BESA EdTech Chair. FRSA.
Happy Saturday, folks, and welcome to the second edition for May, and the sun is finally shining, Boom ?? . Huge thanks to everyone who has been so kind in sharing previous editions and the huge support and lovely comments many share. It has definitely become a bit of a labour of love each week, and occasionally a bit of a "Sword of Damocles" when my energy levels aren't quite what I hoped.
On a real positive, there are quite a few new sharers featured this week as I have continued to try and "broaden the net" to capture the most helpful and innovative insights from the week. If you spot new names, do give them a follow.
I usually like to share a brief summary of my week, so as usual, here is a quick summary of the last few days alongside my NetSupport activities, which included attending a brilliant event with Professor Ross Renton at ARU Peterborough supporting the launch of their new XR Lab and training facility (Have a read here). I met with the team from Bett Global to plan some exciting upcoming content, met the folks at HFL Education to discuss another upcoming event (see in the section below), met with the good folks from British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) and techUK to plan another upcoming event, got my eyes tested (not my finest hour), met up with the Department for Business and Trade team wearing my new #ExportChampion hat, (I'll be sharing more in future editions), attended some regional workshops, and later this morning I'm off to support a Museum's opening ceremony. I know, "Rock and Roll" lifestyle eh ??.
Anyway, you are here for the news, so let's dip our toes into the pool of knowledge. ??
? Let's kick this off with a really positive article, not least in light of all the challenges our children face nowadays. Rebecca Winthrop shared an article she coauthored for The Brookings Institution titled "Why play is serious work" linked to an announcement in March that the United Nations declared an international day of play to take place annually on June 11th. With over 140 countries as partners, this announcement cements not only every child’s Right to Play, but also highlights the many benefits of play for children and adults alike. Do have a read of the article here.
Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. Fred Rogers.
? Probably one of the most important interviews you will ever hear! Ok, that's hopefully caught your attention, so of course it's actually not. BUT, I did have a lovely discussion on Teach Middle East Magazine Podcast when i was interviewed by Leisa Grace Wilson for an episode "Beyond the Buzzwords: How to Make EdTech Purposeful in Schools". I have included the Youtbe Video of the discussion below, or you can listen from here.
? A great share from the fab Maggie Layfield who was "Calling all district admin and school leaders! Data interoperability is incredibly important in our modern tech ecosystem-- why not prioritize your learning and growth and apply to be a UNICORN!! " with a share of a post by Chloe Sanducci on the new Emerging leaders Cohort for Project Unicorn (An effort to improve data interoperability within K-12 education.) Have a read here.
? Content sharer "par extraordinaire" Barbara Anna Zielonka shared a handy summary from TeachThought "30 Of The Most Popular Trends In Education" . It's an interesting read (albeit with too many pesky pop-up adverts) that you can find here. Do you agree with their summary?
? Kai Vacher shared a really interesting read from The Times titled "A new educational dawn should focus on pupils’ wellbeing", the research supported by the Nuffield Foundation sheds light on the impact of the pandemic on education, emphasising the crucial role of social-emotional skills alongside cognitive abilities for academic success. Kai asked "Should student well-being be elevated to the same level as academic achievement in our schools and education systems?" If you have a subscription for the Times you can read it here.
? Not a topic any of us wish was needed, but one of the most knowledgeable folks on all things #eSafety is Alan Mackenzie who shared an article on "Sextortion - Support and advice for young people". With the recent UK-wide report from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre about the growing concerns around sextortion and increased reports worldwide in general, Alan has put together an 11-minute video for young people giving some information, support and advice. Well worth a watch (and share) from here.
? Tony Sheppard reminded me that the folks at the Access 4 Learning Community have released their "National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA), v2" via their Student Data Privacy Consortium Special interest group, which has been further developed to streamline application contracting and set common expectations between schools/districts and marketplace providers. Take a look here.
? This is well worth a read, the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) shared a commentary from Director General Caroline Wright on the financial decisions taken by Oak National Academy and "touches upon the disconnect between the budget management expected of school leaders and the spending patterns at Oak" - It's an interesting read and does highlight the disconnect in the system. Have a read here.
? Someone who is always passionate about #Maths is top man Bruno Reddy OBE . This week, he has been having a really constructive brain dump of thoughts and ideas, or as he called them "Thought Farts" ??. He has shared quite a few?, so start here, and you'll get the idea. Well worth a read.
? Nancy Lhoest-Squicciarini shared a great read on "How to measure the impact of this school year's professional learning?" based around Thomas Guskey 's framework for evaluating professional learning. You can read his article with Learning Forward "Look beyond the satisfaction survey" from here.
? Another one from Barbara Anna Zielonka , this time a share from Education Next "AI is Officially Here, There, Everywhere, and Nowhere" advising Districts playing catch up can still adopt sound policies for AI. Author Michael B. Horn shared "When it comes to digital technology, educators and school systems haven’t historically been fleet of foot. But artificial intelligence is partially bucking the trend. Many teachers are embracing it, even as school systems follow form and are moving slowly, or barely at all." It's a really good read you can find here.
? A great article from John Mikton "Recalibration of Truth" which is well worth a read. As John introduces "In our rapidly changing digital age, the idea of truth is undergoing a significant change. In the past, truth was often taken from shared experiences and clear agreements. Today, truth often is manipulated by social media, algorithmic biases, polarization, organizations, companies, and in more instances governments,? fueling the algorithms that influence what we see, hear, and believe." Have a read and John's thoughts on a Brave New World from here.
? Have you checked out the Leader Scout podcast recently? Well, it was new on my radar, but it featured top man Ben Whitaker being interviewed by Tom Millington in episode 10, and was a great listen. Tune in from this link and check out all their other fab episodes, too.
"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together".
? I've included this in the main Edu section albeit it relates to #Ai, but I wanted to share both a big well done to Dan Fitzpatrick for his new journalistic endeavours at Forbes and for a great article that is 100% in my spirit of the #CandleClub in sharing and showcasing the work and ideas of others. Have a read of his first article "5 Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their Child's School About AI" from here.
? There was an excellent episode released on the Teach Middle East Magazine podcast featuring Leisa Grace Wilson in discussion with Tom Sherrington , who shares his insights on establishing a genuine presence in the digital education sphere, balancing personal experiences with engaging content for educators. You can listen to from here.
? A fab share from Silvia Bastow FCCT on her blog of an article by Jennifer Wozniak on "Empowering voices: strategies for encouraging pupils to speak”. It's a great read and well worth 5 minutes to check out here.
Encouraging pupils to speak in another language is key but let’s not forget that we need to build pupils’ confidence, so creating an environment where pupils feel safe and not judged, as well as rewarding pupils when they speak are very important.
? Kirri Watson shared a great video, "5 BEST Chromebook Features for Teachers'" from Pocketful of Primary on YouTube . It's a really good summary and perfect for any " 谷歌 " Schools. Have a watch here.
? Neenaz Ichaporia shared a report from the 英国文化协会 in Poland "Empowering Education: Understanding Teacher's Needs in Multicultural Classrooms" which examines the various challenges facing the Polish education system in the face of a significant influx of Ukrainian children and youth following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. You can find it here.
? As I hope you have come to expect, I always try and share a regular resource from the fab Dr Pooky Knightsmith , this week her newsletter focuses on Mutism, anxiety, behaviour and more...with a full video resource on Helping Selectively Mute children to speak at school. You can find all of her resources here.
? I have mentioned over the last few weeks that the folks at Bett Global have launched a new newsletter, which you will likely want to get on your mailing list ( Duncan Verry and the team have some really exciting plans moving forward). So here is my ongoing reminder to get a regular copy of the new Bett Buzz, just use this link.
? A timely share from Adam Phyall III, Ed.D. , where he asked, "How are you celebrating Earth Week in your classroom?". He linked to his article on All4Ed titled "Ditch The Paper and Go Digital for Earth Week" which included resources from The Achievery who offer free digital resources that are eco-friendly. Have a read from here.
? Benjamin Scott shared his article from SecEd Magazine this week on an frequently popular topic of "Game-based learning: Ideas for using Minecraft in your lessons". Teachers can take advantage of the popularity of Minecraft by incorporating the game into lessons. Ben offers some ideas and tips for making this work in your classroom. Have a read here.
? A lovely post from Kelly Hannaghan who asked us "?? Ever heard of Ikigai? ?? It's a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being." Finding your Ikigai involves exploring the intersection of what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs and you are paid for." Have a read here, and reflect on the image above.
? This article shared by Jacob Kantor caught my roving 'Edu eye from Education Week , the article titled "What New School Spending Data Show About a Coming Fiscal Cliff", highlighting that schools stand to lose a significant chunk of revenue when federal COVID-relief aid expires. What really caught my eye was the statistic "On average, America’s K-12 schools spent $15,591 per student, up nearly $800 compared with two school years earlier when adjusted for inflation." Here in England, that figure is circa £5,000 ($6,250)* for basic AWPU funding, which is quite a gulf (*a bit more if you are based in London). To be fair, rates vary by state so New York was a whopping $29,000 per child and Utah was down at $9,500. Have a look here.
? Cristóbal Cobo shared a really interesting read about #Critical Thinking, albeit in the context of Ai. As Cristobal explained "Critical thinking requires subjectivity…Critical thinking encompasses other domains such as values of enquiry (for example, accuracy, clarity and coherence), dispositions (curiosity, rigour and open-mindedness) and metacognition (thinking about thinking). Critical thinking is about the critical thinker; it is about a person engaging with the quality of ideas in a certain way with a certain mentality.
Critical thinkers can perform skills such as analysis, to be sure, but they also go about these tasks thoughtfully and with intellectual humility. They come to subjective judgements. AI cannot think critically because it does not know what to value, has a bias towards fairness, and most certainly cannot reflect on its own thoughts." You can read the article from Times Higher Education he was reflecting upon from here.
? Another nudge for everyone. Please don't forget that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, with the 13th -19th being Mental Health Awareness Week. This year's theme is movement, so on reflection, I may not be the best person to promote:)
"One of the most important things you can do to help protect your mental health is regular movement. Moving more can increase your energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost your self-esteem."
It's good to talk and, even better, to feel heard. I, for one, am always happy to be available to listen. Check out some of the resources from the Mental Health Foundation to help get involved this year. Resources Here.
Jamie Clark is always sharing great visual resources, this week he signposted his "Scaffolding Think, Pair, Share can help facilitate deep discussions and drive thinking from all students. This handy resource is designed to help students master the What, Why, and How of the process" You can see all of his free posters as well as excellent paid resources from here.
#Events - Warning there are loads on the list this week.
? A new one for the radar and worth a booking (open to anyone) hosted at (Wyboston, Bedfordshire) is from the folks at HFL Education with their "EdTech Impact: Evidence, Equity and Efficient Funding (Tech in Schools Conference)" on 9th July. Find out more here. You'll find Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith sharing insights.
?The lovely folks at Association of School and College Leaders have their "Conference for a Sustainable Future" coming up on June 5th to coincide with #WorldEnvironmentDay. The conference will focus on empowering and enabling leaders to make changes in their education setting for a greener, more sustainable world. Find out more and register here.
? For my readers from Oz, James Jenkins shared that the folks at Canterbury College are hosting the "Future of Education Summit" on July 25th in Brisbane. Sadly quite a long way from me, but if you are able, head here to get your tickets.
? The fab folks at TrilbyTV have an upcoming webinar on "Top design tips for your digital signage" and will be joined by Adobe Education Specialist, Kyle T. Webster - grab a ticket here.
? I've been invited by the lovely folks at youHQ to have a chat with Jez Belas on their #Wellbeing Webinars to talk about all things #EdTech and steps to move your vision forward. It's online on 23rd May at 4pm BST - find out more and sign up here.
? Just a reminder that the team at Woodland Academy Trust have a brilliant new event coming up on September 3rd, their "AImpowerEd Conference", an event where they will explore how #AI is playing a pivotal role in the ever-changing education landscape from integration in Early Years through to how leadership teams can embrace AI to maximise outcomes. Declaration: I will be speaking there, but based on the other speakers coming, I suspect I'll be doing more learning than sharing. Features Georgina D. , Gemma Gwilliam , Daren White , Mark Anderson FCCT , Adam Webster , Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith , Lyndsey Stuttard M.Ed , Faye Ellis , Christina Tueje, CIPP/E , Donald Clark and more. Get yourself booked asap from here.
? The European Edtech Alliance have got a great lineup of #Webinars heading your way, covering topics like EdTech trends, US Market Entry, as well as regional market insights across India, south east Asia and more. Find out more here.
? The lovely folks at Bromcom have their annual "Shard 2024: MAT & LA event" on the 12th June at.....well the Shard of course ;) It's one to get on your radar, not least, I'll be speaking there :) have a look here.
? I'll be talking all things #Ai and #Inclusion at the Bucks Education Partnership Annual conference in a couple of weeks' time. If this is your region, find out more here.
? Reminder from last week that Kelly Hannaghan and Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith are delivering a great online session on 21st June on "Pedagogy And Wellbeing In Education", an event that bridges the gap between innovative teaching methodologies and the holistic wellbeing of educators and learners alike. Sign up here.
? The folks at Naace - The EdTech Association have an event coming up "Empowering Your School's Digital Future: Insights from the NAACE ERF" where board members (Ben) Benjeddi and Sarah Morgan will be chatting with host Jonathan C. about the critical components of a digitally fit school. It's online on May 23rd at 4pm. Sign up here.
?Have you got your June diary booked already for ISTE #ISTELive2024 in Denver? I'll be wearing a few hats for this one, but I am really looking forward to coming and joining the conversation. Get your ticket from here.
? Anna Artemyeva shared that the 谷歌 for Education "Leaders Series" is coming to Birmingham on the 4th July. You can find out more here.
? I'll be speaking at the Association of Secondary Headteachers in Essex ASHE annual conference in June talking about all things #Ai in education. If you are an Essex leader, find out more about it here.
? Check out these free upcoming webinars from the team at NetSupport and secure your spot today.?
? Are you a British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) member? The Summer Business Insight day is a highlight of the BESA calendar. As they share "For an in-person strategy day packed with expert insights, exclusive research, actionable takeaways, and unparalleled networking opportunities designed to get you to the heart of the education sector, look no further". You can book your ticket here.
?This one always remains top of my #Ai section, an excellent newsletter, "Perpelexing Tech" ??that covers the world of #Ai through a wider lens. It is written by Niamh Kingsley my daughter, a product innovation and #Ai specialist in #FinTech. Please take a look and subscribe here ? She's a star.
? John Dolman shared a really interesting article where he was looking at the Why of Ai in Education. He actually shared quite a few "Why's"; Why do we need to address AI? Why this tool or this platform? Why now? (Oh and he managed to squeeze in some Geordie Robots too ;) ) You can read it here.
AI is a gamechanger, or at least it should be and probably will be. The question is who is going to be the one writing the rules?
? Robert Gibson shared an article from University World News "Integrating AI in academic research – Changing the paradigm", which explains "As artificial intelligence tools continue to evolve, their potential to transform academic research is becoming increasingly apparent. From facilitating comprehensive literature reviews and identifying hidden research gaps to analysing massive datasets and visually presenting complex information, AI is empowering researchers to tackle tasks once thought insurmountable." A worthwhile read you can find here.
? Nick Dennis shared a good read from The Verge on "The teens making friends with AI chatbots" reflecting a whole new challenge. Teens are opening up to AI chatbots as a way to explore friendship. But sometimes, the AI’s advice can go too far. This is one to be on the radar for everyone. You can find it here.
? Another good share came from Eliana Elkhoury, PhD with an article from Inside Higher Ed titled "On AI and ‘Meaningful’ Feedback", as Eliana commented "If the feedback is easily mimicked by AI then we need to rethink the whole assessment design." This is a really interesting read (and perspective) that you can find here.
? It's no secret that I, like many others, are fans of #Claude from Anthropic so Neilson Cole and others shared last week that there is a now a mobile app for Claude, over a few days it appeared in most regions. He shared a handy article for The Verge which summarises the release. You can read "Anthropic finally releases a Claude mobile app" from here. It's not unique, but i still think it's the best tool for summarising uploaded documents with accuracy. It's also worth noting a very timely share from Conor Grennan on the topic of the app release who shared a warning "Be CAREFUL- note the authentic app, there are a ton called “Claude.” Use this link (iOS) for the correct one:
? Hopefully, you already all follow Jason Gulya , he shares lots of really pragmatic and purposeful content around #Ai in Education. As he reminded everyone last week, we need "Ai in the Loop" not "Human in the Loop" in education. Have a read of his post here to set you straight. (He is spot on).
? Sharad Agarwal shared an interesting read from Medium on "The AI Revolution: How Vertical and Horizontal AI are Transforming Industries". It's not an #Edu topic, but sometimes seeing how tools are impacting through a wider lens is not a bad thing. Loads of insights and a plethora of sector-mapped apps are highlighted (including the image above). Have a look here.
? A handy share from Frances Akinde as it was a 2 for 1. Firstly highlighting the brilliant weekly newsletter from Dan Fitzpatrick , who I think I should start calling "Lord Fitzpatrick of Ai" from here on in.? Just head here to get all the fab stuff he shares. And secondly, she shared that from Dan's newsletter, he had linked to the new report from the World Economic Forum "Shaping the Future of Learning: The Role of AI in Education 4.0". The report explores the potential for artificial intelligence to benefit educators, students and teachers. Case studies show how AI can personalize learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and integrate into curricula. You can download the report as a PDF directly from here.
? I have to be honest, I can't keep up with the amount of content that the fab Chris Goodall shares. What I can confirm is that it is all really good stuff, and super innovative. He shared a great resource last week called "When Algorithms become Arias" as part of his work supporting the team from The Grange Festival planning the production of a student-created opera supported by #Ai. Have a read of his post and check out the slide deck he shared from here. All really cool.
? Two people who rank at the top of my list for being hugely well-informed on the use of #Ai are the brilliant Carla Aerts and Ethan Mollick . So when Carla shared that Ethan and Lilach M. had published "an interesting paper" today on the topic of democratising innovation with AI prompts, it naturally caught my eye. As Carla explained "The paper focuses on creating personalised learning experiences using prompts and while it is centred around education, the implications extend far beyond that.". You can find the paper "Instructors as Innovators: a Future-focused Approach to New AI Learning Opportunities, With Prompts" on SSRN from here.
? Top man Fengchun Miao shared another really informative summary on "How to build enabling policies and conditions for practising the use of AI in education". Have a read here. Always great guidance.
? Sohrab Rahimi highlighted that "???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????? ???? ??????????????, ???????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ????????????" commenting that "The impact of AI agent technology is poised to be transformative, significantly altering how we interact with digital systems and manage daily tasks. These agents, equipped with advanced AI capabilities like reasoning and autonomous decision-making, are extending the functionality of traditional AI applications." He shared a really interesting summary of how effective Agent systems work. Take a look here.
? Phillip Alcock commented that "In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming sectors across the globe, the education sector stands on the brink of a revolutionary shift" and signposted a great article by Brett Henebery for The Educator "Why AI literacy is critical for teachers in 2024". Worth a read from here.
“We believe teachers should have control and agency over decisions regarding how and when to best use the technology to support their specific needs.”
? A fab share from Neenaz Ichaporia of an informative webinar from AbilityNet on "How can AI help disabled people?" which covers lots of detailed examples of how AI tools can aid with #disability and #inclusion. You can watch the YouTube webinar from here.
? Nick Dennis shared an interesting report on how AI tools are used in US schools. Nick recommended that "It is worth digging into the detail, especially the discussion section where it suggests that the current rollout of AI is happening in a way that may exacerbate existing divides related to educational inequality." You can find the report, published by RAND "Using Artificial Intelligence Tools in K–12 Classrooms" from this link.
? Hamza Aoun is another of my go-to #Ai voices (the list keeps growing) and last week, shared a handy video covering "Understanding Generative vs. Non-Generative AI". I work on the simple summary of "Makes New Stuff" vs "Analyses Existing Stuff", Hamza's summary has a lot more "meat on the bones". Have a read (and a watch) from here.
? A great initiative shared by Clara Lin Hawking , with "Cool free AI learning resource for graduating (Year 12) Seniors", as she explained "Our graduating Year 12 students are at a disadvantage - they are only now encountering Generative AI as schools begin to integrate AI learning into their curricula. As educators, it is our duty to ensure that our students are not only aware of but proficient in the tools that will define their future careers and personal lives." This great resource from Year13 on #AiAmplified is definitely one to share. Take a look here.
? After news i shared last week about 苹果 in discussions on adding #Ai in iOS18, top man Leon Furze shared an article from AppleInsider confirming that "Apple's system applications like Siri, Safari, and Spotlight are set to receive significant AI upgrades with the upcoming iOS 18." Have a read of the article from here.
? Do you read the AI in Education newsletter by Ray Fleming ? No, well, you know what I am going to say next then. Click here, subscribe and it can be our secret ;)
? A good share from Lisa Durff PhD from Constructor Group "Beyond buzzwords: Safeguarding integrity & embracing AI in teaching", you'll need to register to watch the recording, but it covers a lot of the key discussion points of late around Ai. Take a look here.
?I'm a big fan of Perplexity and they have some exciting news for educators. They have announced the launch of a new course specifically designed for teachers called “AI Search in Education“. This seven-day course aims to empower teachers with fundamental knowledge about artificial intelligence and its applications in the field of education. You can find all the details from none other than Barbara Anna Zielonka here on her blog.
? As an aside, Barbara also shared a great new resource which is a platform that uses Generative AI to research and visualize new ideas. It is designed to assist individuals, particularly those who are #neurodivergent, in overcoming information overload and enhancing their learning experience. Find out more here.
?This above made me smile, but it was spot on in highlighting the new Memory capabilities in ChatGPT . Leon Furze shared "Hands down the most important use of ChatGPT’s memory function…"
?On another memory topic, Neil Mosley shared an article from Times Higher Education "The rise of AI doesn’t mean we should forget about memorisation" where Graduates who can’t think critically without electronic assistance will be at a distinct disadvantage in the workplace. As Neil commented "Learning, understanding and for developing critical thinking skills, which, among others, are vital for interacting with generative AI and analysing and verifying the results it generates". Have a read from here.
? A great article by Conan Magruder on Leading Your International School titled "Skills and Applications for International School leaders: How do you shape the future in the age of Ai?" Have a read here.
? Jason Gulya shared a great article on Substack covering "Our "No Fear Shakespeare" Moment" (remember the books with a plain english translation alongside. As Jason recalled "If you were like me, your eyes seldom left the right page. You’d read Hamlet or Macbeth in modern English. Once in a while, you’d glance at the left page to see what you were missing. Turns out, not much. Just some fancy, barely recognizable words. Probably not important." Now think of "Help me Write" buttons or Grammarly, It's never been easier to skip the detail and write "easily" - but as Jason concludes "At some point, someone will take it away from me. At some point, someone will take the training wheels off. What do I do then?" - the article is here and well worth a read, it does hopefully make you stop and think.
? Connor Mulvaney shared his thoughts on creating an "AI usage policy for students" including the slide deck he curated for his peers. You can read his post and see the slides from here. In the comments to this post, Callie Salaymeh, Ph.D. also shared the link to an article that Connor alluded to, from Edutopia - George Lucas Educational Foundation titled "A Stoplight Model for Guiding Student AI Usage" which you can read here.
? This is not for the #Ai Pro's amongst you, but as Carla Aerts shared in another #AertsAlert "it's an Introductory, but very useful nevertheless" referring to an article in 麦肯锡 titled "What’s the future of AI?" The article highlights AI is here to stay. To outcompete in the future, organizations and individuals alike need to get familiar fast. This series of McKinsey Explainers dives deep into the seven technologies that are already shaping the years to come. Have a look here.
? Matthew Wemyss is launching an AI/Digital IDEAS Lab. He started with putting together an Ideas Lab booklet to guide student teams through the design thinking process, and is also looking for your ideas and feedback. Take a look here.
If there is someone you think I should be following, who is sharing great content that I could help share, please tag them in a comment so I can connect with them.
? Don't forget you can find all of the books I cover on my Amazon bookshelf, You can find my curated list here.
? One to definitely highlight from the fab Carl Hooker is his new book "Learning Evolution: The New Era of Ai in the Classroom" you can find out more and order your copy from here.
? Dr Shyam Barr shared a sneak peek of his new book "Educate to Self-Regulate: empowering learners for lifelong success" with Amba Press (they have had some great titles recently). You can pre-order directly from here.
? This recommendation is extra special as it's by Emma Shorrock , the woman who single-handedly tries to keep my work life in order. She shared "We Can't Run Away From This: racing to improve running’s footprint in our climate emergency" by Damian Hall , you can read Emma's reflections after reading the book here, and grab a copy for yourself here. (This is me supporting your fourth pillar Emma ;0)
? And a fab one from Matt Pitman "The Connection Curriculum: Igniting Positive Change in Schools through sustainable connections" you can pre-order it here.
? A new one launched this week from Alex Quigley "Why Learning Fails (And What To Do About It)" from the fab team at Routledge Education . You can find it here.
? If you fancy an easy read on #EdTech and the evolution of Educational Technology, then you might well enjoy ?? "My Secret #Edtech Diary" based on my 30 years of experience. It's not meant to be a technical overload, but very much a narrative as if we sat down in a coffee shop and talked it through together. You can find it here.
Let's wrap up with my weekly Candle Club. Hopefully, you will know what this section is for, built on the message that "a Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle" - it costs nothing to help support and highlight others in our space. ???So this week, it's a few great speakers to consider for any future events - Bukky Yusuf , Abid Patel , Gemma Gwilliam , Darren Coxon , Daren White , Emma Darcy , Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth , Monica Burns, Ed.D , Maggie Layfield , Kat Cauchi , Mark Anderson FCCT , Priya Lakhani OBE Mark Martin ?? , Lawrence Tijjani , Ben Whitaker , James Garnett , Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith , Jonny Wathen , Lisa Hawker , Georgina D. , Philippa Wraithmell , Jaime Donally , Chris Dyson Deputy CEO Create Trust , Jon Tait , SJ White , Lisa Durff PhD , Nic Ponsford FRSA FIESE ?? and of course Al Kingsley MBE & Ferdi.
Ok, that's it for this week's highlights. A big thanks to all of you, whom I was able to squeeze into another episode (and apologies if I couldn't).
My one ask >> Please don't forget to give this edition a share ;) ????
Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the sunshine if it's with you, share the love, find you Ikigai ?? ... and I'll see you again soon.
Al (and Ferdi ?? )
You can book me to come and cause some fun and disruption at your event via Katie Cavill and The Learning Line via this link. Please also reflect on the diversity and representation of your speakers and panels at your events when reaching out.
??2023 EduFuturist of the Year
??2023 Outstanding Achievement winner - Educational Resources Awards (ERA) Awards
??2023 Inspiring Leader winner - British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) Awards
?? 2023 Education CEO winner - EdTech Chronicle.
Exciting approach to education news! Bringing humor and insight to often dry topics can make a huge difference in engagement. How do you decide which stories to feature each week? Looking forward to seeing how your unique perspective shapes the conversation.
I help educators foster students’ metacognition and self-regulated learning | Consultant | Coach | Speaker | Professional Associate at Faculty of Education, University of Canberra
10 个月Al Kingsley - cheers for including my soon to be released book "Educate to Self-Regulate". Based on the many reviews to date, it is a must read for educators and set to be an essential resource for schools :)
?? Mental Health School Speaker ???? BACP Senior Accred CYP Counsellor ?? MHFA Instructor ?? Family Support Worker ?? Keynote Speaker ?? Content Creator ??♀? Kids Yoga Instructor ?? Children’s Novel Coming Soon
10 个月Such incredible work. Well done, Al Kingsley
Information Governance Lead | supporting Privacy in Education | DPOaaS consultant | EdTech Evangelist
10 个月Thanks for the mention Al. The work on the National Data Privacy Agreement v2 is primarily US focused, and based on how vendors and customers have worked together to build a standard agreement. It has been an interesting project to take part in, and has given me a far better understanding on how we can support our customers across the pond.
I help make EdTech easier for busy educators with quick tips and lesson ideas for every classroom.
10 个月Thank you for the shout out Al!