May #Edu resources - part 1??

May #Edu resources - part 1??

Happy Saturday, folks, and welcome to the first edition for May. This year is going past so quickly, it really is scary.

I have had lots of comments recently, and all lovely people being supportive and appreciative of my newsletter, but a few have asked about my content format. I only had a couple of objectives originally with the newsletter, share good content and signpost great people. I definitely wouldn't have chosen to host it on Linkedin if I wanted to maximise access and subscribers, but I wanted to be able to link to the people who shared articles directly so they could be found by others, and that feels more important to me than anything else.

So I do make sure with anything I see, I signpost the originator/sharer as much as I possibly can. Remember #CandleClub

And why all the Ferdi images? ?? Why not? I've never taken myself too seriously. Life's too short. My aim is to make information accessible, not scary or technical, just something we can all read and all be "in" the conversation. Ferdi is the leveller and reminds you that you are in a safe, chilled space. Learning at any age and stage can and should be fun.?? I hope you feel that from my newsletter, but i'll always take feedback as constructive.

I usually like to share a brief summary of my week, so as usual, here is a quick glimce of the last few days alongside my NetSupport activities, which included a visit to the folks at Peterborough Keys Academies Trust to talk all things #Digital, we have a really informative discussion all round. I had a trust Governance meeting with all of the School Chairs and Governance professionals at Hampton Academies Trust , which is always a constructive event, and something we try and do each term. (I also had a trust Finance meeting on Thursday, good discussion, but the funding landscape does make it hard not to shed a few tears.)

I had a fab trip down to The Schools & Academies Show on Wednesday morning which was a blast, albeit my time at the event was all too short. Lovely to catch up with Abid Patel , Gary Henderson , James Garnett , Dave Smith , Daren White , Jon Neale , Anna Pedroza , Ben Whitaker , Tim Mace, Terry Dignam , Patrick McGrath , Adam Hill and many others, I even managed a quick catchup with the one and only Tony Parkin , but was really disappointed I missed Emma Darcy , Gemma Gwilliam and Georgina D. in particular.

You can read two great personal reflections of the event by James Garnett (here) and by Gary Henderson (here).

Thursday was a whole group staff day at NetSupport , celebrating a really strong 23/24 and setting out aims and expectations for the year ahead, including some cool new tools (obviously ;) It was a blast, and well done to Emma Shorrock and Matt Jones for organising.

Yesterday was very much my catch-up day, including a lovely chat with Dan Thorp from Cambridge Ahead , Dave Smith from British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) as well as prepping a presentation on AI and Accessibility.

Every now and then you just have to pause and reflect on how lucky you are to know so many great people. (consider me paused)

Right, enough of my week's activities and reflections; you are here for the news right, so let's dive in...


? I may as well kick off with a great share from one of the nicest people you will meet in #Education, Olly Lewis , who shared two excellent resources from Evidence Based Education >> "The Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review" which you can find here, and "School Environment & Leadership: Evidence Review" which you can find here. Both are worth a read, and as a complete aside, Olly has his new "#EdTech Playbook" coming out soon, which you might (should) want to pre-order here.

? An excellent share from the brilliant Caroline Allams of a post by Adrienne Katz, FRSA , who was commenting on a publication on ResearchGate she co-authored "Social Isolation and Online Relationship-Risk Encounters among Adolescents with Special Educational Needs". Adrienne summarised, "A study of teens' online lives explores SEN status, age, social isolation, poor parental online safety support, & greater perceived positive internet use. All significantly predicted online relationship-risk encounters". Well worth downloading and dipping into for a read. Access a copy of the research here.

?An interesting share from Tara N. from New America – Education Policy Program . If you are developing an Ai plan, their ????????????????, ????????????????, ?????? ???????? policy team has just released a repository of existing frameworks that are likely to be helpful for your planning and implementation efforts. You can find all the links and details in their blog post shared here. As a double bonus, they also had a handy blog post "Artificial Intelligence in Schools: Privacy and Security Considerations" which is well worth checking out from here.

? A fab share from Andrew Elias that caught my eye straight away with “In an inclusive classroom, diversity isn't just accepted; it's celebrated like confetti on a joyful day.” He was commenting on a great article with GESS Dubai titled "Embracing Everyone: How Inclusion Boosts Student Wellbeing" by Faiza Mubeen at Beech Hall School Riyadh . #Inclusion needs always to be front and centre in all our discussions, so do have a read from here.

? Neil Mosley shared his thoughts commenting on an article in Times Higher Education "‘Lower tolerance for failure’ on technology as finances dive", Neil commented, "The elephant in the room..(is) that the legacy complexity of universities is staggering..(they are) complex, complicated, quite devolved organisations with layers of presumed opt-out everywhere you look". The article shared that "Financial constraints reducing appetite for risky experimentation but pressures can also help to ‘clarify minds". Have a read here.

A round of applause from Ferdi for Melissa

? No surprises to hear that disrupter Melissa McBride ?? and the team at Sophia High School have been blazing a trail. First, the excellent appointment of Gerry Docherty as their new Exec Principal, and then Chatsworth Schools announced the opening of their 17th School, Hartington College , which will be the UKs first multi-campus, hyflex Sixth form, with online lessons delivered by the team at Sophia. The world is changing, and this is one to really watch. Big #respect.

? Matthew Setchell has been busy sharing ideas and thought leadership articles for a good few months now and often provides a pragmatic view on technology-related topics. Last wee,k he shared a succinct blog post "Let’s talk transformation" and the plans to build technology mastery across your school. Have a read here.

? An excellent share from Mary Meredith , who explains "proven in multiple studies since Goodenow’s, a sense of belonging underpins #wellbeing & #achievement. Also proven, #SEN children are at increased risk of feeling they don’t belong in school." She shared a handy audit tool to help school leaders evaluate what’s in place to ensure belonging for all, which you can find here ( it's a PDF link).

? If you don't follow Chris Goodall then consider yourself on my naughty step and remedy asap, please ;) This week, he shared a great post, "AI is not just in the classroom" something we often forget (as we do with #EdTech in a broader sense as well). I've included it in my main Education section, to encourage us to think about this through a much wider lens. His reflections after a week of meeting different stakeholders was, "that sometimes our focus is on ‘AI in Education’, but really it's ‘AI in Society’. What we are witnessing is the beginning of a major societal shift that is affecting everyone. Nobody has a handle on this, and we are all navigating this uncertainty together." Have a read of his post here, he is spot on.

? Well, unlike many, I still peruse X on a regular basis, albeit it's losing my focus. One very visible voice I watch is Jamie Clark who does share some brilliant #OnePagers on topics like #Feedback, #Modelling, #Retrieval Practice and much more. ??Credit where it's due, they are really accessible. Whizz over here and take a look for yourself.

? Now before you ask, not this isn't a paid promotion; this is a "Respect Where it is Due" mention, for the fab team at Pobble Education , they have had quite a journey and I thought their recent post "The Pobble Journey, inspiration and impact" really lived up to that key word: Inspiration. Do take a read, and you'll see why I am happy to share this, proper good folks.

? The ongoing challenges with Teacher recruitment are front and centre, not least here in England with a recent decision to cease funding one of the key pathways for attracting professionals into teaching, see this article from Schools Week At the same time Kai Vacher and Mark Steed have shared two episodes unpicking the global recruitment challenge, as well as discussing potential ways to mitigate, in Kai's "Educator's Corner" Vlog/podcast. You can watch the first part of their discussion here, and the second part right here. Well worth a listen and always sage advice.

? The folks at EdSurge commented that "Education has had a wobbly relationship with the still-evolving presence of generative AI in schools — with some school districts banning it only to reverse course." I think we can all agree with that ??. As they shared, a coalition of 14 education organizations in Michigan released sample guidelines earlier this month that walk teachers and administrators through potential pitfalls to consider before using an AI tool in the classroom or for other tasks. Very handy. You can find the details in their article "AI Guidelines for K-12 Aim to Bring Order to the ‘Wild West" from this link.

? I'm always discovering new newsletters being curated by fantastic people, and whenever I can, I like to do a shoutout and signpost them. Community first. So this week I wanted to signpost the "Teachers Matters" newsletter from Daniela Falecki , lots of great, bite-size discussions and resources, the most recent on #Wellbeing. Take a look and subscribe here.

? An interesting read and share from John Gougoulis MEd, FAIM, MICDA , of an article from The Brookings Institution identifying the continued growth in the area of micro-credentialling, with recognition of standards and a range of qualifications. You can read the article "What’s happening with digital education credentials across Europe, from a US perspective" from here.

? On a similar theme, a timely #AertsAlert from the wonderful Carla Aerts with a share from University World News titled "A continental approach to micro-credentials needed – Survey". A survey of 28 African countries on micro-credentials has established that they are offered mostly by technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges, followed by higher education institutions, with respondents saying there is strong consensus on the importance of developing a common continental approach. Have a read here.

? This share from Barbara Anna Zielonka sadly didn't come as a complete surprise from UNESCO , "New UNESCO report warns social media affects girls’ well-being, learning and career choices" which warns that, while digital technologies can enhance teaching and learning, they also present risks such as the invasion of users’ privacy, distraction from learning and cyberbullying. The report sheds light on how social media amplifies gender stereotypes, with negative effects on girls’ well-being, learning and career choices. Have a read here.

? Following a similar theme at a broader and younger level, Gary Henderson shared a very saddening report from the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) "Under sixes manipulated into ‘disturbing’ sexual abuse while playing alone online". As Gary commented, "This article highlights to me the risks associated with phones and young children however, banning them in all schools isn't the answer in my view; The problem is bigger than in schools, and if we assume students have phones, aren't schools in the perfect position to discuss phones, risk and appropriate use?" You can find the IWF report here.

? It's #AutismAcceptanceMonth for adults, so this seemed very timely to share from Schools Week "Six practices to retain disabled and neurodivergent staff" by Jane Green MBE FCCT , highlighting there is nothing inevitable about staff with needs and disabilities leaving the profession or choosing not to enter it. Great read here.

? I'm a big fan of Emma Darcy , so was quick to spot her post, which was a follow up to Chiltern Learning Trust 's Climate Change and Digital Innovation Summit #CCADIS held a week ago. As you know, I am a very trendy chap (honest), so naturally, I hang out on Instagram too. If you do as well, then you may well have spotted the excellent Fusion Magazine, which features great articles from across the edu community. Anyway, this week, Emma popped up with her article on Climate Change where she "argues for a holistic approach, considering how each digital activity aligns with broader sustainability goals." No surprise that it's a great read, so do check it out here.

? Talking of Fab Multi Academy Trusts, I saw a great blog post from Amazing People Schools shared by Frances Corcoran , about the work at LEO Academy Trust and a first-hand experience from Julaan Govier a year 5 teacher "Our School’s Approach to Teaching Character Education" - it's a great read you might want to dip into it here.

?Me referencing the BBC News in my newsletter, what has the world come to? But this article caught my eye "Can touchless tech create 'equitable' gaming?" with references to MotionInput Games . It's worth a read, and it's definitely a positive to see accessibility on the radar for gaming as well as traditional day-to-day apps. Really refreshing read you can find here.

? There was another update from Mike Tholfsen , this time highlighting 9 new features from 微软 Excel. Check out his video walkthrough here.

? Right, it's time to slow down for this one. A lovely share from Brian Host who wanted to remind us "Life's glimmers are everywhere, if we pause to notice. Amidst the chaos, slow down, breathe, and appreciate the small moments of joy and beauty that surround us. Let's embrace stillness, cultivate gratitude, and prioritise human connection over perpetual motion. These glimmers sustain us and remind us of life's simple wonders." Couldn't agree more, so hold that thought, and I want to signpost you to his article "Gleaming Glimmers" and have a reflective read here. ??Nice one Brian!

? I mentioned last week that the folks at Bett Global have launched a new newsletter, which you will likely want to get on your mailing list ( Duncan Verry and the team have some really exciting plans moving forward). So here is a reminder: to get a regular copy of the new Bett Buzz, just use this link.

? I probably should have done an image of the Power Rangers for this one (edit, I couldn't resist so I created one, albeit not my finest work), but you should definitely check out the fab folks who have formed The Digital Futures Group - who have come together to address digital divides by creating a peer support model that shows how sharing best practice, having access to the right tools and utilising expertise can improve outcomes for all. It features some of the people I have the highest regard for in our space ( Emma Darcy , James Garnett , Gemma Gwilliam , Lisa Hawker , Gary Henderson , Jonny Wathen , Daren White and Abid Patel - find out more here.

? Always a pleasure to include resources from Dr Pooky Knightsmith this week some fab ones around "Behaviour that Challenges" where she helps you take a fresh perspective on behaviour that concerns, distresses or challenges by stepping into the shoes of the child during this keynote talk. Check out the slide deck and resources here.

? Please don't forget that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, with the 13th -19th being Mental Health Awareness Week. This year's theme is movement, so on reflection, I may not be the best person to promote:)

"One of the most important things you can do to help protect your mental health is regular movement. Moving more can increase your energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost your self-esteem."

It's good to talk and, even better, to feel heard. I, for one, am always happy to be available to listen. Check out some of the resources from the Mental Health Foundation to help get involved this year. Resources Here.


? Just a reminder that the team at Woodland Academy Trust have a brilliant new event coming up on September 3rd, their "AImpowerEd Conference", an event where they will explore how #AI is playing a pivotal role in the ever-changing education landscape from integration in Early Years through to how leadership teams can embrace AI to maximise outcomes. Declaration: I will be speaking there, but based on the other speakers coming, I suspect I'll be doing more learning than sharing. Features Georgina D. , Gemma Gwilliam , Daren White , Mark Anderson FCCT , Adam Webster , Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith , Lyndsey Stuttard M.Ed , Faye Ellis , Christina Tueje, CIPP/E , Donald Clark and more. Get yourself booked asap from here.

? The lovely folks at Bromcom have their annual "Shard 2024: MAT & LA event" on the 12th June at.....well the Shard of course ;) It's one to get on your radar, not least, I'll be speaking there :) have a look here.

? I'll be talking all things #Ai and #Inclusion at the Bucks Education Partnership Annual conference in a couple of weeks' time. If this is your region, find out more here.

? Reminder from last week that Kelly Hannaghan and Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith are delivering a great online session on 21st June on "Pedagogy And Wellbeing In Education", an event that bridges the gap between innovative teaching methodologies and the holistic wellbeing of educators and learners alike. Sign up here.

? The folks at Naace - The EdTech Association have an event coming up "Empowering Your School's Digital Future: Insights from the NAACE ERF" where board members (Ben) Benjeddi and Sarah Morgan will be chatting with host Jonathan C. about the critical components of a digitally fit school. It's online on May 23rd at 4pm. Sign up here.

?Have you got your June diary booked already for ISTE #ISTELive2024 in Denver? I'll be wearing a few hats for this one, but I am really looking forward to coming and joining the conversation. Get your ticket from here.

? I'll be speaking at the Association of Secondary Headteachers in Essex ASHE annual conference in June talking about all things #Ai in education. If you are an Essex leader, find out more about it here.

? Check out these free upcoming webinars from the team at NetSupport and secure your spot today.?


?This one remains top of my #Ai section, an excellent newsletter "Perpelexing Tech" ??that covers the world of #Ai through a wider lens. It is written by Niamh Kingsley a product innovation and #Ai specialist in FinTech. Please take a look and subscribe here ?

? Now, I suspect many of you will have spotted this piece of news, which first appeared on my radar courtesy of a share from the lovely Brett Salakas who rightly tagged his share with ?? "Read, Pause, Consider". So the article in question, posted on Ars Technica says it all from the title "School athletic director arrested for framing principal using AI voice synthesis" ??Police uncover a plot to defame principal with AI-generated racist and antisemitic comments. This rings all those nagging alarm bells of #Ai being used for the wrong reasons. Have a read of the article here, shape your own views and keep it in the data banks for future; this won't be the last.

? Adam Garry shared some insights on the above Ai fraud, with links to other news sources of the incident as well as handy blog links for discussing the risks. Check out his post here.

? Great news for anyone wanting to learn about #Ai in a safe space. Chris Kenyon and the team at The Key Support Services , who have launched their AI playground for school leadership teams. It's a leading edge AI that understands your context - your role, your school and is augmented with resources from The Key. It's included in The Key for school leadership teams subscription- so no additional costs to access. If you have a subscription already go and take a look (it's on the top right of the toolbar) .

? Great share from our #Ai serial sharer Darren Coxon , who shared his free e-book on "how to create and host trained bots to share freely with your students." You can find his "CourseBots Step-by-Step guide" from here. Well worth a look.

? A handy one from Miriam Scott who wanted to share a couple of ? time saving hacks for teachers. As she acknowledged, "Since the generative AI glitter bomb disrupted the entire world of education, teachers have been looking for ways to help reduce the administrative workload and use this tool proactively. There are many ways generative AI can help reverse engineer the workload for teachers". She has loads of resources, including the hacks pictured above from here.

? This one is really handy, a share by Hamza Aoun inspired by the brilliant resources from Fengchun Miao and the folks at UNESCO , Hamza has crafted a "Principles for AI competency frameworks or programmes for teachers," into a document that he feels resonates deeply with the commitment to transforming educational environments. I'm hoping this link to the PDF version works for you, but if not, you can read Hamza's original post with an embedded version here. It's very accessible and well-considered.

? Top man Matthew Wemyss had an emotional watch of Mustafa Suleyman 's TED Talk last week explaining that #Ai is turning into something totally new. Matthew, reflecting on the timelines and the future his children will experience, commented, "Suleyman's concept of AI as a species – one that can learn and grow with us – is jarring. Is that jarring feeling good, though? It's absolutely making me rethink everything."

I've included the YouTube video below, it's definitely worth watching and seeing if it resonates with you and your views on the future role of #Ai.

? Just to wrap this one up, "Top Banana", Dan Fitzpatrick shared a really handy "9 Practical Suggestions for Educators" based on the TED talk above from Mustafa Suleyman - you can find it here.

? The fab Monica Burns, Ed.D is also a great sharer of resources to enable the effective use of technology in education. Last week, she shared "60+ must try ChatGPT prompts for Teachers". You can get a copy of her free ebook here.

? Cristóbal Cobo is often my "go-to" person for research-informed #Ai resources, and this week, he shared a "Generative Ai at Work" research report. The report on FlexOS reveals that?Generative AI?is widely adopted, especially among Gen Z and Millennials, and that ChatGPT is the undisputed leader in Generative AI tools. Some really interesting data and stats are included that avoid the anecdotal assumptions we all have on true use. Have a read here.

? Rt Hon Michelle Donelan shared the work the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology have been undertaking on the global conversation on #Ai safety. That includes building the AI Security Institute , deeper collaboration with the US as well as attending the upcoming Seoul Summit on #Ai. There is some great work being done, but as always, I would encourage the government to reach out wider to those actually innovating with the technology. I'm not sure a heavy investor presence in the institute is necessarily a good thing. More here.

? Another great articlee from Phillip Alcock "Are Laws Stifling AI in Education? Let's Break Down the Barriers" Get your #FERPA hats on for this one from here.

? Quite a few shares early last week for this new "Generative AI Idea Pack for English Language Teachers" from Cambridge University Press & Assessment English, some really positive reviews and it looks excellent. You can link to the PDF from here.

? Barbara Anna Zielonka has been extra busy this week (is that possible). Anyway, she amongst others, shared the new "Shaping the Future of Learning: The role of Ai in Education 4.0" report from the World Economic Forum with some key highlights from here.

? Want to get your #Ai skills accelerated? Well; good news: Leon Furze has just launched his "Practical AI Strategies course". Leon explains that it’s designed for K-12 and Higher Education educators to help you get to grips with the ethical and practical implications of technology like ChatGPT, Copilot, Claude, Adobe Firefly, and other GenAI platforms. Find out more here.

? Well, this must be a grown-up post if I am mentioning Ruben Puentedura, but I saw a great share from Becky Keene , who had been busy putting her thoughts together around the intersection of SAMR and AI for educators to implement transformative strategies in classes everywhere. I really liked "The SAMR dozen: 12 AI strategies for educators", and the alignment worked really well. Have a read and see what you think.

? Fancy joining the #JusticeLeague ? How about the algorithmic one? Barbara Anna Zielonka shared that "The Algorithmic Justice League’s education library provides a wealth of resources, including books, poems, and workshops, aimed at raising awareness about algorithmic bias, promoting equitable and accountable AI, and empowering educators to teach these critical issues!" Sound interesting? You can find out more here.

? Good one that will likely raise lots of discussion, Roxi Thompson asked "Should Teachers Disclose When They Use AI?" sharing an article from Education Week , unsurprisingly, views are shared in the article from both perspectives. Personally, yes, more than a few sentences and cite that it was generated by #Ai in the same way you would cite other sources. If we want children to be transparent in their use, we need to model that in the creation of resources. But what do I know? Have a read here.

? Clara Lin Hawking started one morning last week by discovering she had made a mistake (I am an expert on this topic). As she explained "They are not good to make - but I don't mind making them. As I see it, we all need to make some mistakes in order to learn and grow. So, today was a good day!" It prompted her to write an excellent article "Successful failure: Growing Artificial and Human Intelligence" - do take a look here, it's well worth it.

"The universe does not allow perfection. One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist... Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist." - Dr. Stephen Hawking (I reckon Ferdi would dispute that??)

? Sofia Fenichell shared a great blog on #Ai reading apps from EdSurge titled "The Opportunities and Drawbacks of AI-Powered Reading Coaches, Assistants and Tutors". Recently, a new kind of tool has emerged. Referred to as AI-powered reading coaches, assistants or tutors, these tools use generative AI to provide learners with personalized reading practice, stories, feedback and support. Have a read here.

? I had to include this one from Cristóbal Cobo , "(Generative) AI Competencies for Future-Proof Graduates - Inspiration for Higher Education Institutions". The document "emphasises the need for universities to adapt to the changing landscape by providing training programs for staff and integrating AI technologies into various aspects of the education system". This is a link direct to the PDF report.

? Leon Furze is always great value, he's recently written a series of posts about ways to ditch detection tools and rethink assessment. In this article, he's consolidated those posts together to outline 6 approaches. Take a look here.

? Just a bit of gossip really, but Carl Hooker shared an article from Mashable that " 苹果 and OpenAI are reportedly in talks for iOS 18 integration." The tech companies are apparently in talks about bringing chatbot features to the iPhone. Have a look here.

? We hear the term all the time, but have you ever wondered about the different types of #LLMs (Large Language Models) - well, fortunately Sharad Agarwal shared a handy article from Medium titled "What are LLMs? Understanding different LLM families" - handy if you want to know your GPT from a Llama, or your Mistral from a phi. Have a read here.

? If you want a bag full of curated teacher resources and articles covering #Ai, then John Mikton has you covered with a fab list he shared this week. Take a look here.

? Big congratulations and respect to Amanda Bickerstaff and all the folks at AI for Education for their first anniversary of their excellent GenAi prompt library for Educators, they now offer 105 prompts across 8 key categories for teaching and learning. Go take a look here.

If there is someone you think I should be following, who is sharing great content that I could help share, please tag them in a comment so I can connect with them.


? Don't forget you can find all of the books I cover on my Amazon bookshelf, You can find my curated list here.

? Big thanks to Gary Henderson for another great recommendation of the hugely popular book by Daniel Kahneman "Thinking, Fast and Slow" which I covered previosuly. If you have not discovered it, you can grab a copy here.

?A really interesting eBook from Damian Bacchoo with a title that naturally caught my eye "Self Licking Lollipops - Why education reform has a 'Wizard of Oxz' problem" you can find out more here.

? Michael Chiles FCCT shared that a new book "Teacher Hacks English" by Dr Haili Hughes and Stuart Pryke is now available for pre-order. Another great addition to the John Catt is becoming Hachette Learning bookshelf I am sure. Grab a copy here.

Lovely feedback after my visit to Compass MAT

? If you fancy an easy read on #EdTech and the evolution of Educational Technology, then you might well enjoy ?? "My Secret #Edtech Diary" based on my 30 years of experience. It's not meant to be a technical overload, but very much a narrative as if we sat down in a coffee shop and talked it through together. You can find it here.


Let's wrap up with my weekly Candle Club. Hopefully, you will know what this section is for, built on the message that "a Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle" - it costs nothing to help support and highlight others in our space. ???So this week, it's Elizabeth Murray , Georgina D. , Clara Lin Hawking Alessandro Bilotta Mark London Michael Francis-Devine Matt Pitman Nic Ponsford FRSA FIESE ?? Lee J. Ian Hunter Ian Young Howard Nelson Jude Macdonald Jordan Smithson George Hayes Jonathan Lewis Ian Phillips Misbah I. Martin Byford-Rew - MBCS Chris Jones Jodie Lopez ...40 editions in and still the list could be enormous.

Ok, that's it for this week's cornucopia of news. Early start this morning, and my fingers are about to go on strike. A big thanks to all of you, whom I was able to squeeze into another episode. Please don't forget to give this edition a share ;) ????

Have a lovely weekend, share the love, and I'll see you again soon.


Yes, I always like to get involved, talk at events, and share love.

You can book me to come and cause some fun and disruption at your event via Katie Cavill and The Learning Line via this link. Please also reflect on the diversity and representation of your speakers and panels at your events when reaching out.

??2023 EduFuturist of the Year

??2023 Outstanding Achievement winner - Educational Resources Awards (ERA) Awards

??2023 Inspiring Leader winner - British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) Awards

?? 2023 Education CEO winner - EdTech Chronicle.

Phillip Alcock

AI with Project-Based Learning | CEO/Co-Founder PBL Future Labs | Founder AIxPBL

9 个月

Thank you for the mention, and great newsletter as always, Al Kingsley!

Frances Corcoran

Supporting a strengths-driven approach to development and learning in schools through our award-winning platform powered by diverse role models and their character strengths.

9 个月

Thanks for pulling all this together Al Kingsley - no wonder your fingers were aching - absolutely bursting at the seams with so much good stuff? I am still digesting - thx for all the recs and the shares and for shining a light on the brilliant work of LEO Academy Trust ??. Looking forward to the next installment ?? Phillip Hedger Graham Macaulay Christopher Bradford Julaan Govier

Lee J.

Director of IT for L.E.A.D. Academy Trust and L.E.A.D. IT Services - MBCS TMIET

9 个月

Thank you for the shout out Al Kingsley, always love these roundup's and so many like minded people just wanting the best! Hope you managed to have a good Bank Holiday weekend. See you soon

Adrienne Katz, FRSA

Director YOUTHWORKS CONSULTING LTD. Project and content manager the Enable-Pathway programme

10 个月

Thanks Al Kingsley?for a great newsletter as always and for the shout out. Thanks also to Caroline Allams?for sharing our research. It was fascinating to read about work on a sense of belonging in school, as we ask about this in the Cybersurvey

John Mikton

Digital Learning Facilitator

10 个月

Thank you Al Kingsley for the share out. ??


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    Hi everyone, another year has flown by and here we are in 2025. There is definitely some truth in the belief that time…

    44 条评论
  • Dec #Edu resources - part 2 ??

    Dec #Edu resources - part 2 ??

    Hi everyone, another week has flown by, and as usual, the resources and insights from across the sector have been at…

    31 条评论

