May the Digital Force be With Us
I was reviewing the #BigIdeas2015 posts in LinkedIn and was amazed at the inspiring and important range of topics Influencers and members were talking about. The ideas ranged from improvement in services (hotels, healthcare), Internet of Things (IOT) coming of age, Social Search coming into existence, a country like India owning the year and Cardio for the Head to name but a few. What would it take for all these fantastic ideas to come true?
On the other hand when I read the news, I saw the Russian Economic Uncertainty, the spread of the IS (Islamic state), the Carbon emissions continuing unabated (inspite of a recent Sino – US deal that holds out some hope) and the Gini Co-efficient increasing even in most OECD countries. How can we ensure that such issues are resolved?
Implementation Requires Will Power
The answer probably lies in the recipe – Ideas X Implementation = Impact (You can refer to my earlier post Dial Your Chief Insight Officer on LinkedIn by clicking the link here). The ideas and the intent is always there. And yet, a very minuscule percentage of ideas are ever implemented, or implemented well. Ideas, after all are free. Implementation requires Will Power at a global, national, institutional, organizational and local Level
Will Power is Scarce
The scarcest commodity in the universe is Will Power. Research has shown that it is a myth that we have infinite Will Power and the even bigger myth is that it is on call. There is strong evidence to suggest that in most human beings Will Power is significantly correlated with sugar levels in the blood. Yes, different individuals have different levels of will power, but no one has infinite amounts of it
If you expend Will Power in one area, it gets depleted for use in others. You can deny instant gratification a lot more easily, if you have just had candy. This is just one example of how ephemeral is Will power. For an expert exposition on this topic refer to The One Thing by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller . Interestingly, the ability to postpone instant gratification in children, has shown to be strongly correlated with success later in life. There are two conclusions to be drawn : i) Will Power is scarce but a critical component ii) You can choose where to focus it to get the maximum results
How to achieve the best results?
The best results are achieved when your purpose drives your goals, which in turn drive priorities, which drive your actions and you focus your Will Power to then drive the tasks necessary to achieve your goals. It is the power of habit. Experts aver that anything that you do for 66 days in a row becomes a habit and then you need lesser and lesser amounts of Will Power to repeat the same
Organizations, societies and institutions too have Will Power, but finite levels
Organizations, societies and institutions are a collective expression of the individuals who constitute them. They achieve their goals via the same principles that individuals do – exercising their Will Power to build habit and focus in their priority areas.
In fact one can argue that the Will Power of Organizations, societies and institutions is a subset of the total Will Power of each of the individuals in the organization. Individual Will Power goes through troughs and ebbs and the same is true for organizational Will Power. It is here that Leadership in the organization has to ensure that their actions are linked to their Goals and they garner the organizational Will Power towards the same
Digital World is making it harder to exercise Will Power
We look at our mobile phones more than anything else in the world. The incidence of Attention Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) is growing. The myth of multi-tasking pervades our Digital Reality and often has catastrophic results. How can the world exercise more Will Power when a large part of the same is getting dissipated in fighting the impulse not to check your mobile email every 15 minutes?
In Conclusion
Companies, countries and societies today are failing fast. Disparity in the world is growing, sharpened by the Digital haves and have-nots. Organizations, civil society and institutions need to channel their Will Power towards the common Goals. An expression of such an irony is that the IS (Islamic State) which despises everything modern, is utilizing the internet and digital means to recruit people and spread its message. Technology in itself is purpose agnostic and we need to exercise the same Will Power in harnessing Digital Force for greater good that some of the indoctrinated demonstrate in doing the same for exactly the reverse
This can potentially avoid the crisis of leadership that the world faces today. May 2015 be the year when the world came together to exercise its collective Will Power. May the Digital force be with us
What is your Big Idea for 2015? Please share, I would love to hear
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The Author of the post regular writes on Leadership, Customer Experience and Marketing Technology. He was featured in the Hottest Executives Under 40 Business Today edition March 2014. A few of his recent posts are
Is your company hurting because of a Non Social CEO?
Five Lessons to be learned from Uber Delhi Fiasco
Could Wars: The Smart CIO strikes back
Killed by the Bloggers Curse on LinkedIn?
Dial Your Chief Insight Officer
5 Tips to Create a Winning Team
Ten Best Management Tip I received
Chief Business Transformation services & Digital at Tata Steel
10 年Bob Bennett - Thanks for your insights and comments. Your thoughts on democratization of leadership in the present era and the acceleration of the same going forward is probably an accurate description. Even a 100 years ago most leaders came from politics or military. Today business and civil society throws up more inspiring (debatable) leaders than polity. Leadership is also getting more contextual and ephemeral in most spheres as you aver. The Arab Spring and shorter life span of companies would be two examples that supports that argument. Here is wishing your book the very best.
FedEx Express CLO, Retired
10 年Very interesting thoughts and observations. Social media is our best friend and our worst enemy. Its use will continue to reflect the diversity of the people in this world, for great inventions throughout history, intended to help the human race, have often been used for evil purposes. It is an unfortunate consequence of 'progress.' As for leadership, I am not as worried about the crisis in leadership, for I believe the way we look at and use leadership needs to and will change. Leadership will be distributed across more people, leadership roles will be more transitory, situational leadership will be more pronounced. For more of my thoughts on the many faces of leadership, see my recent publication: Leadership Is...(dot, dot dot) found on Amazon. Enjoyable and as one CLO from a Fortune 500 company stated, 'I was skeptical about reading another book on leadership but I wanted to keep reading yours. I will never think of leadership in the same light after reading this book.'
10 年Sarajit, Osho's Pic sets the tone of your article & tangents drawn by live link-feeds depicts the disruptive forces of “Will”, let me correct myself “Physical Will & Social (Via Digital Route)” & contours are clearly visible. Going through the article, something funny happened. I remember a dialogue between a Physics Teacher and an Humanity student who accidentally landed up in 12th grade Physics class with “Force & formulas and graphical representation” written on the blackboard that caught his fancy. He asked innocently “Teacher what is Force?” Teacher replied “Son, Force is not but the Might of Must”, I may be wrong, but I firmly believe that “Belief or faith or trust” is the very sack where the embryo of “Physical Will” grows & finally "Forces" its way out. Iterating your stand that “Will” has to be “Physical” and not “Digital”, I don’t get paradoxical. I have started engaging myself digitally, Hoping not get insane by the very mania of it. -:)