This may be blocking you from connecting with Source

This may be blocking you from connecting with Source

Once we decide to embark on our spiritual path, we feel excited and invigorated. We tend to seek out every enlightened YouTube video, article and book we can find. We jump to social media to follow all the spiritual gurus so we can soak in all of their wisdom and knowledge. We feel so alive, but after a while you may start to notice that liveliness is starting to diminish. So we juice up all the information we’re taking in by searching for more spiritual knowledge outside of ourselves (major key alert here!).

           What tends to happen without us first noticing is we are literally taking in ALL of this enlightened information from everyone else and THEIR experience. Next thing you know we have one thousand and one rituals that we learned from other people because they spoke of how effective it worked for them. We’re doing all types of handstands, yoga poses, drinking spiritual tea from Lake Minnetonka, filling our homes with Buddha statues, trying to meditate for sixteen hours a day, chanting mantras that we’re not fully sure of what it means….and well, you get the point.

           We’re living other people spiritual journeys through us, therefore not fully tuning in to our own spiritual essence and what works best for us. What I’ve come to learn on this journey is that you can’t get it wrong! And everything you do does not have to have such a “spiritual” undertone to it. For instance, when I would try to feel the energy of money, I would do the usual and say things like “I am abundant, I am prosperous” and use chants such as Shreem Brzee to invoke the feeling of having money. But the problem was I didn’t feel it, I just felt….normal. I thought it was unspiritual to say “Boy do I have a whole lot of money!” or “I got so much money I don’t know what to do with it!” But then I received the revelation from my own inner guidance that that was perfectly fine because that is what made me feel most connected to Source and prosperous. And guess what? I manifested a couple hundred dollars right after using those mantras. Also when it comes to manifesting you would hear many people say to use visualization, but my primary psychic force is Clairaudient, which means I do better with words instead of pictures and images. But recently I came across a video that said you can use words, images or kinesthetic to manifest and it made perfect sense to me. When I would try to picture something in my head, I would more so than not, feel anything. But if I say to myself in my head I am so peaceful, I would feel that through my whole body.

           So let’s say for instance you tend to feel more relaxed meditating to your favorite Jazmine Sullivan CD versus listening to actual meditation music or binaural beats, that’s perfectly ok! Or maybe sitting out in nature doesn’t do much for you but you love the feeling of sitting in a library reading your favorite book, that’s ok too! And by all means I’m not saying that it’s something wrong with doing yoga, or listening to mediation music or using eastern chants because it ALL works! It’s just discovering what works best for YOU. The spiritual journey is so unique and personal to each individual and this is why it’s important to get in tune with Source through your own inner guidance system and not be afraid to go against the spiritual norm because what works for one may not work for another. Also, there are levels to the journey. So if even at one stage meditating in silence didn’t work well for you doesn’t mean that it won’t turn into something that works wonders for you somewhere down the road. It’s just all about following your inner guidance and doing what works best for you in this phase of your journey because we all are on different levels. So the beauty in this is that you can’t get it wrong! The main goal of this journey is to invoke the FEELING of your connection to Source and your desires. It doesn’t matter what you do to achieve the feeling, that part is totally up to you, make it your own!

           Another little nugget I’ll leave you with is when you are deciding to work with a spiritual teacher/coach/healer or what have you, a sure fire sign that they may be a good fit is if they are truly guiding you to tune into your inner source and helping you to find what works best for you. If you are working with someone that is telling you what to do instead of guiding you to the best possible solution for you, you may want to reconsider. Offering suggestions is one thing, but informing someone that this is the only path or way that will help them is a no-no; and that may make one feel as though something is wrong with them because it’s not working when it’s nothing wrong with you at all. It’s just that particular solution or ritual does not work for you. That’s all.

We would like to hear from you! What are some of the not so normal practices that you use to connect you with Source/God/Universe? It may be able to help someone else.

Are you ready to embark on your own spiritual journey to deepen your connection to Source and manifest your heart’s desires? Email us at [email protected] or fill out the form on the contact page at Soulful Sistahs Speak.


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