This is The May
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
This is The May; whereupon I have chosen to dig into various thoughts around COOLness and its inherent strengths of Character. To date, I have offered up:
Exploring Character is a huge part of what I do. It is part of the hundreds of conversations I help hold. It is integral to my own reclamation project now. Character and Purpose forge high functioning Unity... and I am The Unity Guy. And so, this is The May.
I teach, coach, mentor, speak, facilitate, train, entertain, sing, dance, cartoon, write, blog, vlog, box and create to advance Character, Purpose and Unity driven leadership at school, work, business and community. And I turn the proverbial guns on myself as well in that exploration. This month is a focused part of that. Indeed, the balance of the Year is where I will be taking each of the 7 Virtues presented above and dedicating a monthly focus on each, and finishing with Wholiness.
I invite you to follow or engage the ride.
I invite you to simply follow and/or encourage and/or join in on the ride yourself.
In these times of ongoing change and challenge, it matters ever more so.
Hope you join in the journey.
Peace, passion and prosperity... aim high...