May the 4 be with You!
Today is Star Wars Day and we as real geeks couldn’t miss this day ??
Here are some facts about languages in the world-famous saga, enjoy it, dear Jedi!
The most widely spoken language in the Galaxy is Basic Galactic (or simply Basic). Spoken Basic is identical to spoken English. Imperial officers, some Jedi (including Kenobi and Qui-Gon), and C3PO speak with an accent commonly referred to in the Star Wars universe as the "Coruscant accent".
Most of the rebels and representatives of the human race in general have an American accent. Interestingly, non-humanoids often speak with an accent, which is also on Earth. Neimoidians have a Thai accent (which is hard to prove or disprove, because Thai accents are very different). Jar Jar Binks speaks with a Caribbean accent, while the notorious Watteau is seen to have a New York, Italian, or Jewish accent.
It is worth noting that in the Star Wars Universe, most of all sentient beings speak 2-3 languages or are at least familiar with them. Only those races that are at a low level of development (for example, Ewoks) know only their native language. It's important to talk about language or code-switching, which is common among clones, Mandalorians, and Hutts.
A number of well-known languages from the Star Wars universe can be listed: Java (Jawas), Bosse (slang used by merchants), Wong (Yuyuzhan Vong), Geonosian, Mando'a (Mandoloreans), Gungan, Dosh (Botans), Mon Calamarian, and other.
For the most part, droids and computers communicate either in the language of the manufacturer or in a special machine language. Protocol droids like S3PO can handle up to "six million forms of communication".
Astrodroids like P2 can understand a limited number of language commands but are only able to alert the owner with simple beeps and whistles that can be interpreted into normal speech using special devices (in particular, they were installed on X-wings). However, some humanoids managed over time to understand the squeaks of droids even without special equipment.