[May '24] Resource Roundup

[May '24] Resource Roundup

Welcome to another exciting installment of Trial Talks with Medrio, where we share hand-selected insights from the top minds in clinical trials.

Each month we explore engaging topics, including the most recent trends in clinical technology, upcoming research regulations, and much more! If you want to receive these invaluable insights directly in your inbox, be sure to join our mailing list.


Utilization of Patient Reported Outcomes for Medical Device Trials

Dive into survey findings from a 2023 report conducted by Medrio and StudioID. Explore the challenges, opportunities, and trends surrounding patient-reported outcomes in the evolving medical device research landscape, and how a more intentional approach to ePRO can benefit researchers.

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How Standardizing Data Collection Enables Scalability in Clinical Trials

In this an easily-digestible summary of our conversation with Roche Diagnostics, you'll learn why standardization is crucial for scaling your research from clinical trial veterans that have experience running 200+ trials at once.

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European Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR): 5 Steps to Prepare for What's Coming

The EU MDR is already impacting both companies and patients, with some medical devices already being removed from the market as they await certification.? In our eBook designed for medical device manufacturers, get a clear roadmap for for navigating EU MDR, while avoiding potential bottlenecks and profit-stopping issues.

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