May 2024
The TireGrabber
The safe, easy way to handle large-scale tires on heavy-duty equipment.
Tips to make farm life safer for kids
Life on the farm is full of incredible experiences for children. It can also be dangerous. Farm machinery is one of the top three causes of farm fatalities. Read tips on how to protect your kids and talk to them about farm safety. Learn more.
New digs for the TireGrabber!
The TireGrabber product line is growing rapidly and we need to expand. As of June 5, the team will be operating from a spacious new facility in Camrose, Alberta with lots of space for assembly and storage to help us keep up with the demand for the TireGrabber and TG Equipment Jack.
Our new address is #6, 4701, 36 Street, Camrose, AB T4V 0J3.
Drop in for a visit, or contact us at 780-678-4288 or [email protected].
Pick up and tip up with forklift plate
Check out the new forklift attachment for the TireGrabber. Its tipping feature lets you grab the tire and tip it upright, making it easier to install on machinery.
The team grows again!
Meet Steven Minken, Director of Business Development, The TireGrabber.
Steve’s solid business acumen has been shaped by over 30 years in sales and development and his upbringing in a rural Saskatchewan community. He’s already making the rounds to meet our local customers, like Patrick at OK Tire in Castor, Alberta. You can reach Steve at 780-232-3354 or [email protected].
A few words from a happy customer
The TireGrabber works great, and it’s sure a lot safer than pallet forks. I’ve also used it to swap the tires on my sprayer, and I’d say it cut the time in half!
Brett Kielo, Perdue, Saskatchewan
Ready to roll to Canada’s Farm Show
We’re ready to get back on the trade show circuit soon, starting with Canada’s Farm Show, June 18 - 20. Come see the TireGrabber system for yourself!
View our 2024 Trade Show Schedule.
Need more information? We’re here to help.
Visit or contact us at 1-877-314-2017.