May 2024
Last month, we delved into several critical topics concerning risk in sport. These discussions included an exploration of legal pitfalls which are endemic in sport partnerships, and also the deceptive sense of security which can arise from assuming your enhanced due diligence is sufficient. In reality, such assumptions leave brands significantly exposed to reputational risk.
Five legal landmines in sports partnerships
Legal considerations demand careful attention during negotiations. Disputes have the potential to spiral into costly legal battles and cast unwelcome spotlights on business practices and individuals with the potential to damage reputations.
The dangerous blind spot in your enhanced due diligence
Standard due diligence checks in today’s world are no longer sufficient to fully protect your organisation's reputation. We have learned that enhanced due diligence represents the starting point when it comes to mitigating risk.
On a lighter note, in April we celebrated the annual Sport Industry Awards where we were once again sponsors of the Integrity and Impact Award. The award, which celebrates those who have had a demonstrable impact on sport and society, was won by Syrian-born swimmer Yusra Mardini.
The former Olympic athlete was virtually presented with the award by the incumbent recipient, John Amaechi OBE, for her work representing refugees around the world.
If you'd like to find out more about how we can help your organisation to mitigate risk across all partnerships, don't hesitate to get in touch: [email protected].