May 2023 Psychic Horoscopes
Elissa Heyman
Psychic Counseling and Spiritual Healing in Santa Fe NM - Worldwide Consulting by Phone
Psychic Horoscopes for the Fire, Water, Air and Earth Signs - Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs
p,s, today's earlier post about Mercury rx and May has been replaced with an edited, updated version at
Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: For those in business, keep on going with the moneymaking, branching out, ?marketing, and outreach activities. Success is fairly guaranteed if you’ve already started and it’s looking good. Keep steady, stay sober, and get successful.
Air, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: You could get lost in flights of fancy… you have to consider every possibility. Don’t think something can’t happen because you don’t want it to. Be prepared and make back-up plans.
Water, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: Expect magic and the unexpected, and to be influenced by new environments. Staying on an even keel, however, is not so easy, and not because of you, but because normal sources of support and surrounding circumstances are different this month. Take it easy. Try not to mind anything…practice checking out like a Zen master.
Earth, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Look forward to a very creative, adventurous, fun month, and likely projects begun now are just right for you. You’re in your element, or designing your life so you get to be in your element. Crazy things happen! Enjoy adventures with others.?