May 2021 Newsletter
Dear VeriAccount Clients,
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental health is becoming increasingly popular as we progress as a society. It’s important that we take a step back every once and a while to make sure we are taking care of ourselves.
Medical Bill Anxiety Is Not New
Although the pandemic has been a widespread anxiety and stress source for many, medical bill anxiety is not a new thing in the US. A recent study done by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center found the following results when they surveyed adults:
- 60% of respondents said that they felt anxious when thinking about their personal finances
- 50% of respondents said they felt stressed when discussing their finances out loud.
- 65% of women said they felt anxious about their personal finances compared to 54% of men.
- Major factors contributing to high levels of financial anxiety and stress include a lack of insufficient income, high debt, money management challenges, and low financial literacy.
- People with high financial anxiety were more likely to have past-due medical bills.
Free Ways To Reduce Anxiety
Here are a few ways to reduce your anxiety that are completely free!
Get your body moving! The best part about exercising to release anxiety is that you can choose any type of exercise that you enjoy. Whether it's walking, running, weightlifting, or playing with your kids, it all counts and helps you release stress.
Reduce Your Caffeine
Usually, our anxiety is rooted in the number of things we need to get done, so most people naturally increase their caffeine consumption to get more energy, but did you know that caffeine could be making your anxiety worse? When you’re anxious it’s best to cut down on caffeine and instead take a moment to relax and re-group.
Stop Doing Everything Yourself
Stress and anxiety usually stem from feeling like you are overwhelmed. If you are too stressed to do what you need to do, don’t be afraid to get help accomplishing your tasks! Hiring a professional to help out is one of the best ways to treat yourself.
I hope that you take the time this month to take care of yourself and treat yourself with kindness! If you are interested in reducing your anxiety and stress with our services, please make sure to contact us for more information on how our services might be able to help you!
Queretta Simms, CEO & Founder of VeriAccount
Phone: 202-280-0722
Email: [email protected]