May 12, 2019
Today’s centering thought: Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford
This is such a good thought for today. You are capable of what your mind thinks you are capable of. We are the ones who establish our limitations.
One of my best friends moved to London tonight. And as I wrote out her going away card, I had all the emotions of a friend who would miss her. There is the sharing of clothes and the dinners together that I will certainly miss, but I think mostly I will miss the fact that she’s a friend who always answers the phone. We talk all the time and I know we still will, but it will be different now and that’s sad for me.
And in my sad moment, I am proud and excited. It’s so incredible to see her take on the world. Once she started exploring the role, she wasn’t going to take no from anyone. She overcame so many obstacles to get to this point and it’s so amazing. She did all of her research, dotted every “i” and crossed every “t”. She has done her planning and has the mindset.
It’s so humbling to be her friend. What a total powerhouse woman to take this leap and make things happen. She’s betting on herself and it’s so inspiring. I love seeing people preserve and power through uncertainty. She called me from the airport and her statement about packing said it all, “I think I have everything, but if not, I’ll get it there.”
Isn’t that really what it’s all about? Doing enough to feel and be ready as ready as you can, but realizing you have the tools and capabilities to make things happen.
I’m not sure what % of people do things like this, but big high-fives to anyone who has every done it.