Maxwell Biomedical Receives NIH Small Business Innovation Research Grant
Nikolai "Nik" Nikitin, MD, PhD
President and Founder at Clinical Accelerator
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Below, we are re-publishing with permission the press-release issued by Maxwell Biomedical on September 15, 2022
Grant money will be used to support the research and development of Spatial Resynchronization? Therapy (SR?T) to treat atrial fibrillation (AFib)
SAN DIEGO, Calif., September 15 2022 Maxwell Biomedical announced today that is has been awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH) to pursue development and testing of their proprietary SRT device designed specifically to diagnose and treat AFib. Phase I SBIR grants are awarded to small businesses to establish the technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential of the proposed product.
SRT is a significant advancement of science that was published in 1997, in which single-site stimulation was able to locally capture tissue at specific locations in human right atria during spontaneous AFib.1?Once AFib is detected, instead of delivering pacing to a single site, SRT delivers pacing stimuli across spatially distributed electrodes placed on the epicardial surface of the left atrium. Pacing stimuli, which are imperceptible to the patient, are delivered within the excitable gap to capture and control atrial tissue for restoration of normal rhythm [...]?view this post in full