Leonardo Wild
Entertaining readers by introducing them into the cracks and wrinkles of Reality. Represented by Corvisiero Literary Agency.
Leonardo Wild
This is the beginning of the synopsis SUSPENSE PUBLISHING chose for my latest novel, THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA:
MAX VILLALOBOS is the gifted son of a corporate tycoon. His dream is to make it on his own, even if that means going against his powerful father who has far different plans when it comes to Max’s future.
In order to prove who’s “boss” the infamous billionaire, Roy Villalobos, stages Max’s own kidnapping using their personal Chief of Security. The plan backfires with a near escape, and an explosion that kills Max’s girlfriend, turning the tables on Max’s original plans.
What were his original plans?
Max has been working on an “invention” based on a “discovery” he made and been working on for many years. Something he believes could change the course of his life—and perhaps even of the world.
Yet an ultra-powerful tool in the wrong hands—and with the right resources—can change the course of history for the worst. So he’s been holding back.
THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA is not about Max’s secret invention per se. But it’s what Max’s father wants to get his hands on, so the invention drives the story forward, and since Max knows that if his psychopathic father decides to exploit his invention, that it could prove disastrous for the world.
Because the invention or discovery is not the core of the novel, only indirectly, I described it in the original version only perfunctorily. But then my agent, Ken Atchity, wanted me to expand on it. He sensed that there was more behind Max’s invention and thought it would be good to “flesh it out.”
Problem is … (I explained to Ken), I’ve been working on this discovery for nearly 26 years and lawyer friends have said that I should refrain from talking too much about it.
More or less Max’s dilemma.
(Just for the record: I’m not the son of a corporate psychopath, nor do I have the kind of money Max has!)
Still, the discovery I’ve made has helped me design and create many different things, as well as get insights because it takes into account a pattern that seems to be ubiquitous to existence.
For example, by using it, I wrote down the entire table of contents for my book on monetary engineering (El Dinero O La Vida: Una Guía Practica Para La Alquimia Monetaria; not publishing in English, but with the working title of: De-Mythifying Money: A Practical Guide To Monetary Alchemy) in forty minutes … while I was waiting for a cinema to upload the DCP of a movie I’d made, Yasuni: Two Seconds of Life.
Also, I have designed a chemical mixing plant … without a physical mixer, and have been looking into a whole range of subjects being able to unveil aspects about them that I can see are not being noticed.
In THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA’s fictitious world, it is what aides Max in understanding how psychopathy—clinical psychopaths— have managed to endure and have such an indestructible influence on society over thousands of years.
In the real world the numbers are shocking: about one person in every hundred is considered to be a clinical psychopath. One in twenty top CEO’s too, and ten percent of Wall Street workers.
In fact, you find them everywhere but hiding behind a “mask of normality” and unless you know how to recognize them—a difficult task even for specialists—you might be completely unaware of the fact that you’re dealing with one.
Clinical psychopaths rise quickly within bureaucratic structures—in corporate, government, military, and religious institutions—and tend to take control with devastating results.
In fact, they are also the single main cause of mass human extermination.
They are the Hitlers and the Stalin’s of the world … in greater or lesser measure.
So when I began researching for THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA, I decided to use my system of analysis (the invention based on my discovery) to figure out how it was possible that clinical psychopaths—being so destructive and self-destructive—have managed to be with us for so long.
What I found, I included in my thriller as succinctly as possible so as not to bore readers. (More the contrary.)
THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA is a story about a brilliant young man who’s always felt there is something wrong with his father and therefore never really wanted to have much to do with him and his corporate world. But when he is set up with his father’s latest crime, he begins to realize why he’s felt like this.
And as Max does, readers find out about a truth that has been with us—in our face—yet we are hard-pressed to believe it can really be true.
Believe me, it is.
One of the things lawyers told me about my invention, is that I need to protect it by copyrighting it.
One of the ways to copyright it is to publish it.
The Spanish version of what I titled “Introduction To The BIO-AMI” is in the press at the moment, to be published as one of the papers that will be part of Ecuador’s Central University’s ANALES Magazine, the 2015 issue.
It should be out early in 2016.
The 33-page paper is only the introduction to the analysis system, which has taken me over 26 years to develop, and while writing the first installment of my series of Paradigm Shift Thrillers, I decided to “give” it to Max Villalobos, the main character. He will be using it to make “his own” discoveries about different aspects of the world we live in.
In THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA, it’s about the profile of people in positions of power.
My thematic plug line was: “What if we are governed by psychopaths?”
Each new novel in my series will bring a new revelation onto the table, something Max will unveil thanks to “his” invention.
Something I hope will give readers a “paradigm shift” in their perception about a certain aspect of the our society. Some of these perceptions could be rather controversial.
Think, The DaVinci Code about money … about education … about banking.
Not long ago, I was asked by someone (who’s been aware of my discovery) to translate my “Introduction To The BIO-AMI” into English, so I’ve been considering turning it into an English language publication sometime in the near future. The pure theory—
Something Max Villalobos will be applying in his adventures as he wonders what the hell is wrong with the world we live in.
Or is everything as it should be?
According to Max’s father, it bloody well is.
THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA is now available HERE. And I'm working—revising—the next novel in the series.
A cross between Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Ian Fleming, Leonardo Wild hurls us down a rabbit hole of philosophy, psychosis, and murder in his debut thriller THE GALAPAGOS AGENDA. From board rooms to mansions and sleek yachts, you’ll enjoy this roller-coaster ride of suspense and thrills.
—Gayle Lynds - New York Times best-selling author of THE ASSASSINS