Maximizing Your Time
Amy Torres
Owner of Wanderlust Whirl Travel LLC, Director of Marketing Inc, & Uplift Business Collective LLC, dedicated to guiding aspiring entrepreneurs in the travel & marketing industries toward business ownership success.
I met a person yesterday who shared how much overtime they worked last week. Are you ready for this? Each member of the team worked 115 hours of overtime in one week. That is in addition to the 40 hours each team member worked. Now there are only 168 hours in a week. During that week each person only had 13 hours remaining for sleep and driving to and from the job site. I'm amazed!
I have pondered how much time I personally waste in a day and a week. Have I ever dedicated so much time to one task? Have I ever been so committed to a project that it would consume my entire week? How can I learn from their work intensity?
Now I'm not suggesting that we drop everything in our lives and be consumed by our careers, however when we feel that we really don't have the time to complete a task or start a new project, or better ourselves, remember this story of a team that worked 2,325 hours in one week to accomplish their goal. Don't let time or the lack of it hold you back.