Maximizing Your Productivity with AI: How ChatGPT can be Your Personal Coach, Assistant, and Critic

Maximizing Your Productivity with AI: How ChatGPT can be Your Personal Coach, Assistant, and Critic

Big Picture

Are you overwhelmed by the demands of your profession? If you are, then the recent technological breakthrough by large language models (like Chat GPT) offers exciting possibilities.

Why does it matter?

The world has grown so complicated that you need to use tools?which make it easier for you to achieve more with less. The recent breakthrough by large language models (LLMs) are a giant step in that direction. Some previously expensive human interventions, can now be enjoyed without breaking the bank.

Case in point

Since Grade 6 I was fascinated by writing. As I grew older, of course I wanted to write a book. What always stood in my way was the realisation that I could not write nearly as well as the many writers I admired.

From time to time, I would take a writing course. Though all of them taught me some useful techniques, the fundamental weakness was that I needed someone to critique when I wrote for publication. That person is a writing coach I could never afford.

Then came ChatGPT!

ChatGPT can critique my best work, no payment needed. Even when I don't follow its recommendation, I am aware of my writing's shortcomings.

How else I use Chat GPT as Coach, Assistant and Critic

Life Coach:

Weekly, I ask ChatGPT to critique my weekly reflection. It is often a reflection on what is happening in my life, or often a decision I am wrestling with.

When I ask ChatGPT to comment, it often points out things I didn't consider. The other time it asked me to provide additional data or research to support my claim. This is the kind of coaching used to only be possible with a coach, at a fee.


In one meeting last week, I discussed a payment plan with a client which needed to be drafted and signed off. It usually takes me more than an hour to write-up a 2 page agreement.

Not anymore!

After the meeting, I listed the bullet points of what the agreement should cover in ChatGPT. In seconds I had a 2 page agreement which was a very good first draft, arguably better than what I would have come up with on my first attempt.


When I write a explanatory or sensitive email to a client, I usually ask ChatGPT to critic it. The other day it told me, "Your second sentence is convoluted!" Nobody has ever told me that!

On another email, "You sound very defensive in you first paragraph." I didn't realise that. When I was writing it, the intention was to just explain, not to be defensive.

Of course, I improved the convoluted sentence, but thought long and hard about the defensive email before toning it down.

Bottom line

Though not perfect yet, AI presents many opportunities which were not available last year. Have you seriously explored how you can use it to improve your work and be more productive?


