Maximizing Accuracy in EV Charging Energy Meters
As electric vehicle (EV) adoption rises, trust in accurate charging is key. Just as fuel pumps are calibrated to ensure accuracy, EV charging stations must meet stringent standards. In Germany, VDE Testing and Certification Institute, the authority behind the trusted VDE mark, plays a pivotal role, requiring power measurement accuracy within ±0.3% under national and EU laws.
Yokogawa’s WT3000E precision power analyzer, predecessor of the WT5000 precision power analyzer, with an accuracy of ±0.04%, was VDE’s choice for this high-stakes task. VDE engineer Sven Grünberg, a veteran with over 35 years in the field, stated, “There is hardly anything else worth considering."
As requirements grow, our WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer—now offering ±0.03% accuracy, high-speed operation, and a 5 MHz measurement bandwidth—ensures future designs meet the rigorous standards.
Details of the challenges faced, and the solution are now available for you to read.
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