Maximize Your Presence By Maximizing Your Connections
Putting together your marketing for the year often requires a serious look at your budget. That's fine as far as it goes, but what good marketing does is expand the revenues. For dentists and dental practices, good marketing expands their community reach. Expanding reach requires reaching further than before. That's what my services do!
My ideas aren't magical or horn blowing big. I simply put dentists together with other community members on a regular basis, similar to joining the Lions, Rotary, Downtown Council and Chamber of Commerce all at once without ever being involved in those organizations. While the involvement is not deep, it is nearly daily consistent, and creates direct interactions with the dental practice client, and the other associated community business members.
The process is organic to a large extent, meaning the connections made develop in their own time. Imagine handing your business cards out to community members 25 years ago. How many of them set up an appointment within seconds of getting the card? How many of them are your patients today? Somewhere within those intervening years, for whatever reason, their familiarity with you was heightened to the point of maximum interest, then they called.
While I am not expecting you to wait 25 years, 20 years max ;-), it was their familiarity with your practice, your team and/or yourself that made it possible to pique the interest of each local community member. Unless you are present enough, the light will never come on. Consistent, yet unobtrusively proximate interactions should be an integral part of your marketing strategy.
One of the most valuable insights about the two programs I offer is how "pivotal" it is. It literally pivots without moving… The dental practice is the center of attention while focusing on the community!
Achieving both these objectives at once, creates a very sound proposition for dentists. Reaching out to more and more community members is your ultimate goal. Your success means more patients, which means better oral health in the community.
By combining various elements of social media, with a centralized focus on Twitter at this point due to its delivery platform and format structure, and branching out into other areas as well, each program has a coordinated strategy. See/click some links/samples below.
Program 1) Individualized Dental Practice Plan
- Connect On Your Twitter, And Promote Your Practice Along With Local businesses
- Requires access to your Twitter or development of a subsidiary Twitter account
- Fee: from $450 to $575 monthly, depending on term*
- Includes Program 2 below
- Watch Comprehensive Program Primer Video
Program 2) Weddings Smiles Community Plan
- AKA #WeddingSmilesWednesday Sponsorship
- It is ancillary to your other marketing
- Fee: from $60 to less than $200 per month, depending on term and type*
- Doesn't require access to your Twitter
Below are Promotional samples for #WeddingSmilesWednesday: Niche Dental Arts And Audience Wine And Garden
Additional Twitter ecosystem communities:
Additional promotional channels:
Richard Chwalek
Niche Dental
*Fees are subject to change two weeks after initial publication