Maximising your golf club venue space
A golf club has the potential to be a huge revenue generator from events. With bars, dining rooms and meeting rooms available, the modern-day golf club can be a valuable asset, bringing income from functions such as wedding receptions, meetings, and wakes. But getting the refurbishment right is key. Clubhouses have to shed their traditional, often old-fashioned appearance and modernise in line with comparable venues if they are to attract new business.
It is important that contractors refurbishing any golf clubhouse works collaboratively with the club and its members, many of whom are long standing and have very clear ideas on how they would like the club to look. Consideration needs to be given over to the fact that the golf club will likely remain open during the course of any renovation, so careful planning should be given to phasing the refurbishment to cause as little disruption to members as possible.
A fresh and modern decoration will hold great appeal, but any golf club considering a refurbishment should think about the space available and how it could potentially cater to a number of different functions, both large and small. For instance, if the room is large, install ceiling hung folding doors as a way of breaking up the space to create more intimate meeting rooms or private dining spaces, while also having the option of selling the larger space as a wedding or party venue.
Check out the work we recently completed on Letchworth Golf Club