Maximising Social Value in Public Sector Bids: A Guide for Success
Bid Management Services Limited
Bid Management Services provides experienced procurement and bid writers offering bid writing and tender support.
Maximising Social Value in Public Sector Bids: A Guide for Success
In the complex world of public sector tenders, one element consistently emerges as both a challenge and an opportunity: Social value. It's not just a theoretical ideal or a nice-to-have addition. Social value has become a key evaluation criterion, contributing at least 10% of the marks in a bid and sometimes soaring as high as 30%.
These percentages may appear modest at a glance, but they hold immense power. They can make or break your bid, transforming it from just another proposal into a resonating pledge that aligns with community aspirations. Social value can indeed be the difference between winning and losing a bid.
Here’s some tips to help:
1. No Excuse for Not Maximising Social Value Marks
The time for lip service is over. Ensuring that social value is embedded in every aspect of your bid isn't a choice—it's a necessity. Missing out on marks related to social value can mean the difference between winning and losing a bid. So, roll up your sleeves and get to work on this vital aspect of your proposal.
2. Pre-Bid Research and Engagement
Knowledge is power, and local research will be your best ally. Understanding the community, its needs, and challenges will shape your bid in a way that resonates with the people it aims to serve. Reach out, connect, and engage with the local environment to create a proposal that's grounded in reality.
3. Aligning with the Customer's Social Value Policy
Most Council’s and other public sector organisations have social value policies/strategies which reflects specific goals and objectives. It's not enough to vaguely align your proposal with these principles. Scrutinise the information, dissect it, and ensure that your bid mirrors the ambitions of your potential customer. Your proposal must become an extension of their vision, not just ideas that you want to do.
4. Take It Seriously: It’s Not Just About Pricing
Social value must be a cornerstone of your bid strategy, sitting at the table with pricing, quality, and other critical factors. Being forward-looking rather than backward will place you in a winning position. Ignoring it or relegating it to the background is a road to nowhere.
5. Hyper-Localisation
Communities aren't monoliths. Each has its unique needs and characteristics. Tailor your bid to address the specifics of the community you're serving. Generalities won't cut it; it's the precise, finely-tuned approach that will hit home.
6. Commit, But Don’t Over-Promise
Making specific, detailed, and costed commitments like offering apprenticeships is commendable. But remember, these must be deliverable. Promises ring hollow if they aren’t kept, and the potential measurements of these commitments mean that over-promising can backfire spectacularly.
7. Embrace, Don’t Negate
Your bid is not the place to critique or disagree with the social value policy. This is a collaborative process, and your proposal must align with the vision set out by the customer. Don’t talk yourself out of it; instead, be the embodiment of the change they seek.
Reflecting on Our Impact: Transforming Social Value Concepts into Action
1. Structured Training for Lasting Impact
We embarked on a transformative partnership with an organisation, providing two critical training sessions on social value. The first session was an eye-opener, shedding light on the importance of integrating social value into an organisation's fabric in a structured and measured way. The second training focussed on the nitty-gritty of crafting social value commitments in bids - commitments that resonate with local priorities.
The response? An overwhelming success. The organisation now has a fresh perspective and is proactively working to establish new structures, governance, and policies that embed social value into its very DNA.
2. A Multi-Faceted Approach to Support
But our commitment to social value didn't stop there. We've been at the frontline, supporting organisations with a range of services that make social value more than just words on paper. Our engagements have included:?
At Bid Management Services, we understand that social value is more than scoring marks in public sector tenders; it's a commitment to making a real difference. From training sessions to tailored strategies, we've got your social value needs covered. Whether you're just starting your social value journey or looking to enhance your existing approach, our team is here to provide the expertise, creativity, and dedication your organisation deserves. Don't leave social value to chance; make it a winning part of your bid with Bid Management