Maximise Your Life
Have you been living your life as if you get another shot?
Too many people live their lives as if they’ll get another shot at it. They sit in the background, and worry and fear too much. They know the life they want but decide to wait for ‘maybe one day’.
150 000 people won’t wake up tomorrow. Let that sink in. What are the reasons that you're allowing fear to take over your life? What good is that doing for you?
I think about death daily. I don't believe that it's morbid to think about it. We will all die eventually yet we live our lives in such a way that we avoid death at all costs. We don't go travel the world and experience new cultures because the plane may crash. We don't invest in our growth we fear what we may find.
We've been thinking about death the wrong way. Stop thinking that you need avoid things and start thinking of the things you would like to have lived through before you die. Death brings about an urgency for us to live our lives to the fullest.
If you knew today was your last day, what would you have missed out on?
What chances didn’t you take?
What places did you not travel to?
How many people's lives did you not impact?
What were you not able to give your loved one?
What would you regret that you would have done but didn’t do?
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate your life up until this very moment? I want you to think about your life as if it were a grade. Are you at 90% or 60% and are you happy to go through the rest your life with that grade?
I say this to wake you up and make you realize that you still have time to do the things you’ve wanted to do.
What does the best version of you look like?
My goal is that I’ve maximised my life on my deathbed.
We get caught up in these mind games that don’t matter! In reality, the better that you become, the better that everyone in your sphere of influence becomes. If they’re not getting the best version of you, then they’re not getting the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.
You get one shot. You’re not dead yet. 365 days from today you could be in a completely different position from where you are today if you buckled down and focussed on creating your perfect life.
It takes YOU making that decision, it takes YOU to stop living your life in fear!
You don’t have to worry about the rest of your life, all you have to concern yourself with is today and how you’re going to maximise it so that when you go to bed and lay your head on the pillow, you feel confident that you did everything you could.
You do that over and over, and your life WILL change!!!
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