Maximise Before You Multiply
William Siebler
I Write Words That Make Your Clients Say Shut Up And Take My Money - Reassuringly Expensive Direct Response Copywriter
Every parent knows you have to get your child has to crawl before they walk. Well when it comes to growing a business there's a logical two step process as well.
You have to maximise the opportunities in your existing before you seek to MULTIPLY them.
If you don't multiply first you are just spending more time, effort and dollars to get below par results. The classic example being all the people who want more traffic to their site as if it will solve all their problems. If won't unless your website already converts really well. Otherwise it will just leave you frustrated.
In every business when you dig deep into it there are some things that will stand out as 'low hanging fruit' to pick first.
Some of the most common areas that need maximising are:
- The number of leads/clients being generated from any advertising you currently run.
- The conversion rate of your current website if it is getting a reasonable amount of traffic.
- How effectively you convert leads/traffic into paying clients.
The biggest one I see in nearly every business is weak conversion.
Once you are strong in the areas above then you can focus on multiplying because you will get the greatest return on your time, effort and dollars invested.
It's a simple process to use but the key is in careful analysis at the maximise stage. You have to find the biggest lever(s) for your own business.
If you have questions about how to apply this in your business please post them below or you can message me direct if it's a confidential matter.