Maxim and ET2 Shine Bright with Winter Debuts at Lightovation
The spotlight was all over Maxim and ET2 at this year’s Lightovation with the debut of their all-new winter collections for 2023! Already noted for bold originality with new collections like the Akimbo and Pearl, there was plenty of buzz circulating throughout the convention from day one.
?Garnering exciting reactions from scores of domestic and international attendees, it’s no wonder Maxim and ET2 were the stars of the show. And, in addition to these all-new new releases, there were much-anticipated updates to already beloved staples from both brands. In direct response to feedback and requests from distributors and representation, new finishes were announced for the ever-popular Deven, Stefan, Flambeau and Rinkle. And a new weather-resistant Vivex fixture designed for commercial applications, the Rivet, to round out the acclaimed slate.
Indoor and outdoor, traditional and modern, these winter debuts offer something delightfully fresh for every taste and occasion. And this is just the beginning of what’s ahead for Maxim and ET2 in the New Year.