MATW Project France - Construction of Water Wells
Fountains have the same effect as Sadhaka Jaliya and many people benefit from them. Your work with the association will help alleviate the water crisis.
Uganda hand pump good:
In Uganda he said 7 million people are in water crisis. Installing a hand pump fountain will alleviate their suffering. Your £3,000 Sadaqah Jariyah can maintain your water supply.
African underground wells:
A £600 well could solve Africa's water problems facing one out of three Africans. One well can supply him with water continuously for 15-20 years and water for 250-300 people.
Groundwater wells in Bangladesh:
A £210 donation from the UK could provide Bangladesh with hand-pumped wells in 5-15 years. Akirah always rewards you when you help others drink water!
Deep water wells in Africa:
Africa allows her to get a deep well for a fee of £6,000. This well can serve over 1000 people for at least 25 to 40 years. You will receive it in the afterlife, so you can donate MATW if you donate to Gianna.
Electric well pumps in Africa:
If our Muslim brother is willing to donate his £9,000 to Africa, we can install electric pump wells there. For over 50 years, this Islamic charity has provided villages and towns with water for a better life.
Common Countries:
You can donate £60 to Universal Water Supply in Africa, which brings water to places where it is scarce. Your zakat will help MATW achieve this and enable everyone to live a healthy and hygienic life.